Chapter 2

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Hi! I'm posting this up because the other part was really short. >.< I felt really bad. So here you go. 


Chapter 2

They had reached the Tavern relatively quickly. Lance made his way into the bar swiftly, not wanting to waste the little time he had.

He pulled the hood back over his head and stepped into the dark and dirty place again. The familiar stench of alcohol was in the air except this time seemed different. There was an odd odour of faint roses in the air, but he couldn’t pin point the exact location.

“Back again I see.”

Lance ignored the snappy comment by the same drunk who had been there the previous night and took his seat in the corner of the tavern.

The owner had strangely become accustomed to his presence, and immediately sent his daughter over to give him his usual.

“Hello sir.”

Lance kept his head down and handed the young woman a gold piece, sending her on her way.

No communication. No eye contact. He promised himself he would not let himself do these two things. Every night he found himself here, he risked more and more.

One drink, and that’s it, he thought to himself. No more.

So he began, bringing his cup to his lips timidly. The liquid poured into his mouth, the bitter taste making his head slightly spin. He had never been good at holding his liquor.

Finally, once he had finished savouring his first gulp, he started to really chug it down, not bothering to hide the vulgarity in his actions. It was always around this time of the trip that the thoughts began to sprout.

Why is she like this? Why does she not show me love?

He took another gulp of the alcohol.

What happened to that beautiful, sweet, caring girl?

And another...

Is it so bad being my mine?

It was true. His Queen held most of the blame to his misery. She used to be the only thing keeping him from insanity. Throughout all those pain filled days with his parents…she was there for him. She proved to him love existed. She would soothe him, ease all that hurt.

But now, she was just as bad as his parents.

No. This is a phase. She only just became queen… He repeated the thought to himself.

She’s using you.

He shook his head, and dared do the one thing he would never have done given any circumstance.

“No! She loves me!”

The action was involuntary and he regretted it as soon as everyone turned their attention to him.

He was panting heavily. He hadn’t realized it, but he had been working himself up. His non-existent heartbeat felt as though it were getting faster.

The bartender’s daughter spoke up first, “Are you alright there?”

He looked at her. Normally he would reply within seconds. Lance never had a problem with speaking to people, but in that moment the words were caught in his throat.


But that as all he had managed to say. That’s all he had been able to say before three large men burst through the door throwing a young girl to the floor. “’ey boys, we found’uz a play thing.” 


Alright! I don't know when I'll be updating next, so please bear with me. 

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