I awoke surrounded by a sheet of green. I sat up, and only then realised that I was leaning on something that was warm and moving. Amazed I turned around and touched it. From the corner of the vast green curtain, a bright shaft of light appeared. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen poked his head in. My dragon. “Eridor” I murmured. I reached out towards his face with my hand and sighed in content when he extended his neck to touch it.

 An electric current raced through my hand. I tried to pull back but couldn’t. My body jerked as it raced through my hand. Then the current turned into a soothing heat and the pressure that glued my hand to Eridors head disappeared. I yanked my arm back, cradling my arm to my chest before looking at it.

 There was a green symbol carved into the side of my right palm. I looked at it closer. It was two dragons heads twisted together, looking into each other’s eyes. One dragon looked exactly like Eridor. The others eyes were brown but the body was silver. With a start I realised that the dragon was symbolises me. It symbolised us together. I reached out touching his face. This time there was no current. I could feel his cool, smooth scales beneath my fingertips. I felt his body vibrate around me as he hummed with satisfaction.

 His deep green eyes looked at me warmly. His nose, which had a crystal clear spike was the central point of his face. Scales ran along his face growing smaller near his eyes. He was beautiful and he was mine, as I was his. 

Lyra. Young one.

  I pulled back in shock as a voice sounded in my head, saying my name. The voice was soft and caressing, with it was also strongly male.

 I realised with a start that I was my dragon’s voice. “Was that you?” I asked, touching his face again.


 “Can I come out?” I asked, softly, realising that I was under his wing, pressed to his stomach. He withdrew his head and lifted up his bat-like wing. The light that came through blinded me for a minute. Leaning on Eridors’ stomach I stood up carefully and walked away from him a few paces. Then I turned to look up at him and was stunned. He was huge and glorious. The sunlight bounced off his emerald scales. His wings, folded close to his body were amazing. The tips and edges were covered in scales like armour, nut the middle was web-like and had no scales.

  I looked up to see his face, squinting against the sun. “You’re the most beautiful creature I have ever seen,” I complimented him. I smiled as I felt his satisfaction in my mind through our link.

  Thank You.

 I heard him say in my head. Then he froze. His wings locked against his body for an instant and I could feel his caution in my head. In the next instant he was in front of me, his wings drawn up, his scaled tail curled on the ground in a circle around me. His whole body was acting as a shield for me.

  “What is it?” I asked urgently trying to see around his enormous body. I stiffened as he growled, a low menacing sound that was also protective. It was the first sound I had ever heard him make.

  Four men are coming towards us. I can smell you’re sent on them. They are looking for you they want to get you. I will not let them touch you young one.

 I could feel his anger in my mind. Then another thought occurred to me. I couldn’t let them see Eridor. No one had seen a dragon since the riders disappeared with their dragons one hundred years ago. “Eridor you have to go,” I said urgently touching his back. Hi body remained poised in front of me, but he turned his head till it was level and in front of mine.

 Why? I will not leave you young one.

 I could feel his anger towards the men and his fear for me in my mind.  “You have to go. You can’t let these men see you. I don’t know what will happen. You can fly away, but you can’t carry me as well, you’re only a few hours old. Please. For me.” I begged him, knowing he could feel my desperation.

 He turned to face me and nudged my shoulder softly with his head.

 Young one. I could feel his pain and worry. I won’t leave you. They could hurt you.

 “You have to,” I said to him softly leaning into his head. I heard crashing sounds around me. “Go!” I shouted desperately pushing away from him.

 Making a low keening sound he turned and ran a few steps in the clearing. Then he spread his wings wide and bent his legs, launching himself into the air. He flew off the ground, his wings beating unsteadily until, he got a rhythm. The turned his head to looked at me, and I motioned with my hands for him to go. I stood, transfixed by his beauty, until the sound of people running towards he broke into my thoughts.

 I raced into the forest away from the sound. In my mind I saw vivid flashes of Eridor, he was flying through the air, glancing back towards me. Go, I shouted in my head. I saw him freeze, as he heard me, before he kept flying.

 I didn’t realise that I was slowing down until I rain through another clearing, but by then it was too late. I was surrounded. The four men, approached me from all sides, scowling their swords drawn. “You’re not getting away this time girle,” he shouted, his voice harsh. I reached down to grab my sword, but another flash of Eridor flying distracted me.

 One of the soldiers ran forwards, hitting me hard on the side of the head with the hilt of his sword. I vision turned black, and the last thing I heard was the enraged roar of Eridor in my head as he felt my pain through our link and saw what had happened from my mind. I could feel his anger seeping into me. Stay away Eridor! I screamed in my mind with as much force as I could, and them everything went black. 


Hey there! I've uploaded a pic of Eridors egg. I couldn't excatly find the one that I wanted but the colour matches. Do you like it?!

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