Levi X Mikasa Part 2

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I know a lot of you hates this ship.

Well, uhh, don't hate me but I don't despise it. As I said, I always try to see the good in everything.

Hehe. Just wait, I'll make you appreciate this ship. Fufufu~

If you don't well it doesn't matter either way because we all have individual opinions. But if I'm gonna rate this ship it'll be 8/10.

Oh, and another really hated a lot ship is RiveTra. And then you lot say that you hate Petra so much. I mean...what'd she do to you? She's an envorinmentalist. Respect her. And besides, she stood by your precious little levi-heichou and even protected his sometimes. She loved aniki genuinely, please respect that and stop calling her names. At least she stood true to her purpose.

Oh well, as I said we have different opinions but please stop the hate. Fandoms are made to celebrate the ones you like but that doesn't mean you should exploit the ones you hate because they were both created by the same hands. Both precious to their creator. And essential to the plot. That is all. I thank you.

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