Hanji X Levi

286 15 3

Requested by : _LadyHanji_


I can say that it's a good ship. Isayama-senpai said that short people often admire tall people. Maybe he actually likes Hanji-san.

Farlan: I ship it. Totally

Ehh?! I thought you said you'd appear occassionally but right from the start?!

Farlan : I'll appear when I want to.

You said you ship it?

Farlan : Yes. Think about it. Hanji-san annoying the shit out of Levi. That's a sight to see.

I think you got the wrong idea about relationships

Farlan : Well, think about it. It's actually brilliant. They suit each other in a way. It's cute.

I won't argue with that

Farlan and Me : The verdict...

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