"Elizabeth! It's me Lucas!"

Lucas? I struggled to claw my way through my muddy consciousness and tamper the beast who roared for more violence. I struggled for a moment before I looked down at the guy I was straddling. His nose was bleeding and his chest was heaving.

 I shook my head to clear my vision and found myself looking into the glowing green eyes of Lucas.His fingers were curled at his sides much like a cat but he didn't make a move to attack me. He eyes slashed at me in reprimand. Baring his teeth, he grabbed my wrist loosely.

"Get off me," he snarled and instantly my demon strained at me.

In my haze of pain, my demon took control as it sensed danger. It stared down its opponent its jaw dripping acid, its need for blood a painful drum against my head. Lucas started to circle me, his eyes blazing with fire. I narrowed my eyes at him and mimicked him. 

His movements were graceful and mesmerizing. I curled my hands into fists, my clash digging into my palm as my body trembling with the need for violence.The need to release this terrible feeling raging inside of me.

He gave me a humourless smile and dared me with his eyes to come at him.I merely gave him a cold stare and kept circling him, my eyes never leaving his for a moment. I felt the muscles in my body coil and tense, ready for action. The tension rose, higher and higher,threatening to constrict us both but I didn't falter. The demon raised its head to bear its teeth, a promise of release from all that plagued me.

As if choreographed, we lunged at each other. I swung my fist with deadly aim using speed I had gained through those hours of training.I hit him square in the jaw and I felt his leg knock my feet from under me. In seconds he was on top of me, pinning me to the floor. 

I snarled and grabbed his hair with my free hand, pulling his face near to mine. The demon stared out from the windows of my eyes, my rage a deadly energy it fed on. The demon roared at the submissive position he held me in and quickly it swung my legs up so that it came in contact with Lucas' back.

He grunted, his hold on me loosening enough for me to get my other hand free and throw a punch at his jaw. He staggered back but I didn't stop there. I roared as I jumped up and proceeded to kicked him again and again, moving my legs faster, driving him back against the wall of the alley. My anger washed over me, the pain in my head driving me to the edge.

The demon roared out in triumph as it pounced on Lucas, my legs wrapping around his waist. My weight and the momentum of my jump propelled both of us against the wall of the alley. I raised my fist, ready to deliver the finishing blow when the sane part of me called desperately at me from the depths of the darkness.

Stop!I screamed at my demon, letting it sense my fear and sadness.

My fist stopped in mid air, inches from Lucas' face. My chest was heaving as the demon roared. Clawing through the pain, I hastily leashed my demon, calming it down as best I as I could.

 I looked down to see Lucas staring up at me, the fire in his eyes extinguished,replaced by a look of concern. His shirt was stained with blood as well as his face.

"Elizabeth,"he whispered his hands on my hips. He smiled crookedly up at me,wincing a little as he did so.

My heart tripped when I saw all the blood. My fingers were shaking as I tried to wipe the blood away from his face, the pain pounding mercilessly against my head. My body was shaking from the adrenaline that lingered in my veins. I felt the pain increase as the demon quietened, leaving me feeling worse than I did before.

Hesitantly,I touched the bruise at the side of Lucas' eyes gently, my fingers shaking visibly. I felt bile rise in my throat at what I had done to a beloved friend. I never wanted to hurt a friend, never.

 I leaned down to rest my head against his chest. I felt tears burn at the back of my eyes when his arms wrapped around me. Why did he have to do that? Why did he have to feed my anger?

"I'm so sorry Lucas," I whispered, my throat clogged with emotion. The pain continued to pound mercilessly in my head. "I'm sorry I hurtyou."

I felt his hands grips my hair and tugging it in reprimand.

"There's no need to apologize. That's how we used to deal with it remember?"

I couldn't say anything to that. Not when the past threatened to makem e cry, not when the pain in my head was driving the darkness to claim me.

"Please Lucas. Take me to the Ring. I need to be there," was all I said in reply.

I felt him stiffen when I mentioned the Ring, no doubt remembering the past. I clutched his shirt and forced myself to look up and stare him in the eye. He was rigid as he leaned against the wall with me in his arms. His eyes held doubt and he held himself slightly away from me.

"Please,"I said, locking my eyes with him, trying to breathe through the pain.I felt the relentless pain all the way to the ends of my toes,shaking me to the core. This was bad, any longer and the demon would come forth again.

I gasped in pain as my head pounded in my skull. It felt like I was being crushed and spiked all at the same time. I clutched my head,digging my fingers into my scalp in a futile attempt to stop the torture. I cried out as another wave hit me. I threw my head back as I tried to stop the tears from streaming out.

I felt Lucas' hand supporting my back as I went limp in his arms, my head lolling back. I've only had a headache this bad when father passed away. At that time, Lucas was there with me too.

"Elizabeth!"his voice was laced with panic. Oh Lucas...I could not bear for him to see me this way.

I felt him pick me up and hold me more firmly in his arms. I tried to pry my eyes open but they felt too heavy for words. My body felt leaden and it ached all over.

"Lucas,"I tried saying but all that came out was a groan.

I heard him curse and felt him grip me tighter. I felt the wind blowing against my face. He was running. I tried saying something to him but my lips just wouldn't work. Every part of me just wouldn't work.My heart stuttered. How was I supposed to defend myself?

"You're burning up," he said, his voice tight.

What?I couldn't be running a fever. I just couldn't. I had to be ready to face the monster. I had to defend what was left of me. What if Fiona found out? I could not let her see me this weak. She would torture me to no end. She would take this opportunity to plant her worms into my head, to plant the darkness deeper within me. I felt panic threaten to consume me.

"We're almost there, Angel, almost there."

Lucas please! You cannot let her see me! You cannot let anyone see me this way! Oh please stop the pain!

"Shh...rest Angel, just rest."

I gasped as another wave of pain washed over me. My skin pricked and I jerked in Lucas' arm. My body felt heavier than it did before but my mind was still racing. I had to get up, I had to stop Fiona from hurting those I loved. I had to...

But the last thing I remembered was feeling a hand brush over my head before the darkness closed over me...

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