Chapter 18: Victory Comes with a Price

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"Sloan don't--" he pleads as Helena supports him, but it's too late. I do a healing spell, healing all of the injured on both sides and it's enough to break my form. Everyone looks away as my true divine form is exposed. I am flooded with power and it feels like an adrenalin rush. Actually able to look at Kronos I see he isn't as old as he looks in his mortal form and a bit more demonic.

"A child of fire and magic," he says with a laugh. I take a better look at myself and find I'm surrounded in a yellow-orange glow and my hair has become a blaze of fire. "Your parent's made you well Aminta, but you cannot stop me."

"Not alone I can't, but my forces have already defeated yours," I say looking down to find my friends and the legionnaires rounding up all of his followers. "Any power you draw from them is gone Kronos only you and I are left." I throw a ball of fire at the Titan king and our battle begins. Flashes of light fill the sky as we fight, neither one of us getting any kind of upperhand.

"It seems we are evenly matched," he says after I block his scythe again.

"It would seem so." That's when the heavens open up. I watch as I am joined by the other gods and goddesses.

"Together," my mother says to me and at once all of us put our power into one attack, my mother and I casting a spell to damn Kronos back to Tartarus. With one loud bang the war is over.

I look around I find myself in Olympus' throne room standing in front of all of the gods. I straighten up and try to not look as terrified as I feel.

"You've done well," Zeus says to me, and I'm not sure how to respond.

"Well?" I say my mouth getting the better of me. "I believe I've done better than well. I think that I was there for your children when you had left them. I understand you can't do everything and answer every plea, but come on this was your father, the most evil person I've met, besides maybe your son," I say which gets me a look that could kill. "How come when I, or your children called for your help, you failed us. You let your children die, for a mistake you all made." I can feel my hair get larger and more out of control as my anger does. Zeus holds up his hand, clearly offended, but I've made my point so I listen to what he has to say.

"Your tone is uncalled for and you have a lot to learn, but you're right about us failing you all." My jaw drops, everything I have heard about Zeus has always said that he is a pompous SOAB, but this proves either they're wrong, or he's that broken. "Because of this, and seeing how there is no where else I can put you," he mumbles, "we have decided to make you the patron goddess of Camp Half-blood."  

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