Chapter 11: Anyone Know Greek?

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We all land on solid ground with a loud thud.

"Everyone alright?" I ask rubbing my head. I look around and realize we aren't in New York any more. We weren't even in the twenty-first century anymore. Everyone was looking at us and running away screaming. Soldiers come up to us and point their swords at us.

"Sloan, where are we?" Jason asks.

"Ancient Greece?" I say.

"Anyone know Greek?" Isaac says mostly to me.

"Some, I'm better with Latin," I say.

"I know it," Ryder says. Ryder translates for us what the soldiers want and Ryder explains to them what we are. I catch bits and pieces of what he's explaining, saying we come from Asia or what they know as Asia. As I listen I try and think of a spell to help us understand what's going on, but before I can, the soldiers take us. In the process of all of this shoving and jostling, my glasses come off and break, my last pair. I close my eyes, but it's too late the soldier escorting me sees my eyes and says something to the effect of she's been cursed by Zeus. My cover blown, I openly perform the translator spell.

"She's been cursed!"

"I am not cursed," I say. "I am a god." I light my hands of fire and everyone is bowing down to me, afraid I'll smite them. "Take me to your prison." They do as I ask and our little posse is respected. We go through the holding cells looking for Felix. "Felix!" I call out. I see a head lift up in one of the cells, but it doesn't look like the Felix I knew. I run over to him and Isaac breaks his chains. "How long have you been here?"

" 'Bout a month or so, I lost count," Felix says hoarsely. He's grown a beard and his hair has grown out quite a bit, to the point I can tell it's actually curly. Ryder lingers back from our reunion, but Felix points him out. "Good to see someone knocked some sense into you kid. I told you your brother was trouble."

"That you did." Ryder says with a smirk. We take Felix out and Jason works on him, with Jason's father being Apollo he's able to heal others. A guard comes over to us and when I look over at him his knees begin to tremble.

"We will need a place to stay," I say to the terrified guard. "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm not like the others, believe me." This is when he looks around at the other seven.

"There is a place," the guard says. "I will take you there." Realizing we don't exactly look the part, I snap my fingers and everyone's clothing changes into traditional greek garb.

"If I knew you were going to redress us I'd ask for something a little less, covered," Felix says with a grin. Ryder rolls his eyes and we follow the guard to a building outside the city. The occupants bow to us as we come in. "You know, if I had any real powers this could be fun," Felix says. "Good looks and being fluent in French aren't exactly the best powers in the world, especially here, in ancient Greece, ai-je raison?"

"I thought you had some kind of mind control," Helena says, "you know to make people fall in love with you?"

"That whole 'control over love and desire' bit isn't mind control, they have to have the feelings too," Felix says a little annoyed.

"Okay guys, let's stop bickering in front of the, mortals," Elena says awkwardly. "I don't really have powers either, so let's just move on."

"Well at least you can fight, I'm useless..." I hear Felix mumble. The residents of the house end up leaving for fear of us all.

"No trashing this place either, we need to leave a good impression," I say and do several spells to make it more technologically advanced. "Anybody got any ideas as to how we get back home?" I say.

"You mean to say you don't have any spells to get us home?" Isaac says and sits down.

"No, none that I can remember anyways."

"Could ask our parents," Ryder says from the corner of the room.

"They don't even know we exist, how are we going to ask for their help?" Helena says. "And besides we don't need their help, they're all a bunch of assholes who don't care."

"Language Helena!" Heron says followed by a snicker from Felix.

"It's worth a shot at least," Elena says.

"Easy for you to say, your dad isn't a dick," Helena says getting a glare from her brother.

"Language Helena," Felix mocks which makes her laugh. Ryder walks away obviously bothered by what Helena said. I follow him and when I enter the room the static electricity is noticeably more.

"What's up?" I ask him.


"Don't lie,"

"What Helena said about Ares, she doesn't know the half of it."

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" I ask and Ryder sighs.

"Well better you than anyone else. Shortly after I was brought to Camp Half-blood my mother was killed in a freak tornado. I cried for days and blamed my dad for it, well more for not doing anything about it. I was sent a letter saying she died and that I wasn't allowed to leave the camp to even go to her funeral..." His hands began to light up and a clap of thunder sounded above us. Felix comes into the room.

"Ryder, calm down you're making it rain buckets outside." Ryder takes a deep breath and relaxes. The thunder quiets down and eventually stops.

"I think I just came up with a way of calling our parents," Ryder says.

"And what idea is that?" Felix asks.

"Blaspheme." A twinkle has appeared in Ryder's eye as he tells us his plan.  

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