
Start from the beginning

"And what of you three?" the instructor faced the three guardians from earlier on.

Itus shrugged his shoulders, un affected by the change. He was easy going and adaptable, hence the name indicated."Kai." He winks flirtatiously."And these two are-"



With that said and done, the rest of the class broke off into mimi conversations. Diluting themselves, as they made repetitive comments about the guardians personalities and appearances. It would only be natural to be praised. Even if they were posed as regular individuals, in this scenario. While the class was distracted, the first Primicerius couldn't help but notice that Sehun was fidgeting constantly in place. "Ventus?" "She's not here." and he was right. The signal had faded. Now it had seemed like just a waste of time. But that wasn't until the door opened up. A room now consumed with silence. Heads turned to the door, revealing a moon haired beauty standing in shock at the twelve godlike men before her. It was, their majesty.
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"It's...them?" You remembered seeing their faces distinctly, but that was all in your head.

Undeniably, there were twelve. And they seemed to know your face as well. As their eyes gaped, a sense of commonality, familial affinity , stuck out in the open.

"Hyeonju, you're late."

After catching a glimpse of the teacher, you stifled to your empty desk. 'How did they get here?' The taller one gave you a dirty look, grinning without taking off any eye contact. He was the first to sit, while the others followed behind him. There was no mistaking it.

As the hours went by the sound of the pendulum constantly ticking nerved you. It was agony. Clicking your pen rhythmically with the hand, the splitting pain in your head only seemed to worsen. Just five more minutes. Then the pencil. As it rolled back to the back of the room, you hesitantly turn back only to find exactly what you expected. All eyes on you. Rushing to grab your bag, you stood up only to be confronted by one of the 'transfer students'. The one with the deeply imprinted dimples. "L-Lay?!" You screamed holding your bag close to your chest. "Yes?" He smiled, handing out his hand. And there was the pen. Looking down at it in a frown, just to return back to his oddly creepy expression, you snatched the pen from Lay and paced out the room.
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"Great." Xiumin rolled his eyes cynically. "Nice job driving her away, Sospit- Lay."

"Oh. I thought it would help..."
Sospitas pouted, apologetically.

"We can't just stay here forever." Itus retorted with a good point.

The rest of the wolves were trapped at a loss. They'd planned this out many times in their heads. Only, hadn't anticipated that this would happen. With all that was going on, it was ultimately impossible to get her majesty to recognize them the way they used to be.

"That's it then?" Ventus crossed his arms in shame. "We're gonna give up just like? When we're so close?"

Baekhyun glanced at the rest, before taking a stand. "Look. She'a not entirely the same person. You know it. We all know it." He exhaled. "It'll take time before she -

"No. She has to remember. I'll make her remember!"

Ventus marched out after the girl. Going through crowds of people, he pushed through all of the emotions building up in his system. Ventus was a little cub; unexperienced when he knew the past Majesty. As the youngest, he would always seek guidance in her. He was also the last person she saw, when she passed. A time when the red force known as hate took over and consumed their people. All ignoring the fact that because of it their Majesty became ill. The guardians tries to prevent it. Alas, it was too much. She died. And to think after a millennium, he'd be able to see her face again. The one who showed him love. The only love he ever knew, on a maternal level. As soon as Ventus saw her; felt that presence? He didn't care whether or not she was entirely the same. It was her and that was all that mattered.

Reaching the cafeteria she saw her. A smile came onto his face. Something that has not happened in a long time. Walking over to her table, Ventus engulfed the girl with open arms. His head in the creak of her neck, prevented the tears from falling down her face. "I knew it was you, i knew it." Happiness. A feeling that almost evaded Ventus. Unfortunately it wore off and he was left isolated; faces staring at him in awe as the girl pushed him and left. She had rejected his touch. "Why..." he asked to no one in particular. No one at all. "Why..."
Then he remembered what Ignis had said to him: 'No matter how much we want to believe it. That is not our majesty. She's just a cheap imitation, trying to replace her.' He sneered. 'You of all people should know that, Ventus.' He also remembered fighting Ignis. What of he was right? What if, I was just being an idiot.

Then a hand rested on his shoulder. "Sehun." It was Lux. "Don't be upset. She'll come to in due time." But he was silent. "It may not seem like it, but even Chanyeol misses-

"Chanyeol?! He couldn't give a damn. He never did, and never will." Throwing 'Baekhyun's' hand off of his shoulder, Ventus exited the cafeteria returning to his original state.

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><<>><We Are One><<>><
To be continued...

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