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She woke up, with a loss of words, throat raspy and almost voiceless from the commotion. "I—I— can't..."


The wolves came together and felt a huge swallowing loss. She continued. "I wish I c-c–

She coughed hard and barely was able to breathe. "I can't help you. I want to but..."

Their heart ran away, not able to put back the pieces anymore. Like the mirror in the vision, it was irreplaceable. Nothing could put it back together and it be the same again. And so her foot steps with each one splashed away the water, with ripples of the past. Gone.

Now it was over...the moons were beginning to collide over each other.

It was over. There was nothing else they could do, with their world gone...only in three more days. The twelve sat by themselves in midst of their own destruction.

There was nothing but silence, as hey tried to re-assemble what true love had actually meant.

It would have taken an eternity....

And nothing

It would remain the same

>><>><<>><><><<>>< • ><<>><<>><<>><<><<
><<>><We Are One><<>><
To be continued...

EXO(엑소)TREE OF LIFE:《ORACLE》Where stories live. Discover now