The beginning

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Hope you like this chapter! 

I don't think it's very good, but it'll get more interesting in the following chapters :3


"Just so you know, the other guy started it" I said, as my mom tried to clean the mess that was called face. I had gotten a black eye, and a wound on my forehead, that kept dripping with blood. "I don't care who started it, you shouldn't be doing this!" She yelled, anger glowing in her eyes. "Doing what?" I said, flinching when she touched my sore skin, "fighting, going to bars, getting drunk, getting with girls" she spitted. I stood up, going to my room. I didn't need the whole I'm-worried-about-you-speech right now.


"What the hell happened to you!" Mark said, running over to me in the hallway. "It's nothing" I said, brushing his hand of my shoulder. "No it's not, who did this?" He said, lifting my head, forcing me to look him in the eyes. God, those eyes were beautiful. "It's no one I said!" I turned around, about to go to my next class, when I bumped into someone.
"Sorry.." I mumbled, looking down, about to continue walking, when the person stopped me. "Omg! What happened to you!" It was one of the girls from my class, Britney something. "Oh, it's nothing" I said, a smile forming on my face. "Are you sure? I can clean it if you want?" She said, touching the wound on my forehead. I flinched at the pain, instantly pulling back. "I'm so sorry! Come on, let's go to the bathroom", she took my hand, and started running down the hallway, until we reached the girls bathroom. "I can't go in there..." I said hesitantly, "oh come on, I've seen you in there with lots of girls" she said, opening the door. I was known to be quite the lady's man at the school, even though I wanted to be the exact opposite. I walked in, closing the door behind us.
She walked over to the sink, while I sat down on the toilet seat.

She then walked over to me, with a wet paper towel, and started to clean my wound, even though it was already starting to heal. "Seriously, what the hell happened?" She said, almost in a whisper, looking me straight in the eyes. "Oh, it was just a fight, you should have seen the other guy" I smiled, taking my eyes of hers. Why was she still staring at me? She leaned in, taking a closer look at my forehead.

 "Sean?" She said. I was surprised she even remembered my name, so I turned my head to look at her, and was instantly met with a pair of lips, crashing against mine. What the hell? She licked my bottom lip, and I instantly opened my mouth, deepening the kiss. 

She took her hands up to my hair, and I was about to push her against the wall, when we heard someone knocking at the door. "Could you please hurry?" It was Mark. "Just go to class already!" I yelled, about to go in for another kiss, but Britney pushed me away. "He's right, I don't want to be late for Mr. Erikson's class, he's a real bitch when it comes to students being late..." She said, opening the door. "Hi Mark..." She said, suddenly all shy. "Oh, hi Britney..." There was an awkward pause, "come on Mark, let's go" I took his hand, and started walking down the hallway. "See you later Sean" Britney waved, and walked the other way. "As if" I muttered. 

"What were you doing in there?" Mark asked. He almost looked... Hurt. "Nothing" I said. For some reason I was angry at myself. Like kissing a popular, and also extremely attractive girl, wasn't the best thing in the world. Alright, maybe the second best thing, if you know what I mean. "Sean, you didn't have.... Did you?"

"Of course not, you really think I would do that in a public bathroom..." There was a pause, "in school". Why did Mark make such a big deal out of this? It was not like we were together or anything, I could do what I wanted.

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