A lucky guess

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Guess who's good at uploading chapters this week? MEEEE!!


Well, at least in this chapter something happens. But the question is, do you like what happens? Muahahhaha. I'll probably only upload phan oneshots the rest of the week :3



I woke up, feeling like death itself. My head felt like it was gonna explode, my mouth was completely dry, and tasted terrible, my voice was hoarse, and my limbs were sore. 

I tried standing up, and was immediately met with a vomit sensation, so I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could, and puked in the toilet. I sat on the bathroom tiles for a while, head hanging over the toilet, not bothering to get up. Closing my eyes, and laying my head against the cold toilet seat, I tried to remember what happened last night, when I felt a hand on my back. I turned my head to look, and saw Mark, sitting on the floor next to me.  "Mark?" I said, turning around to face him. "Are you okay?" He asked. He really looked worried. "Yeah, it's just a bad hangover. But what are you doing here?" I said, while he rubbed my back. "Oh, I was about to leave yesterday, when I bumped into your mom, who suggested I could sleep on the couch". It suddenly came back to me, how he'd helped me get to bed, and how I had called his eyes beautiful. Why the fuck did I do that? 

"Oh, right" I said, and there was an awkward silence lingering between us, until his phone started to beep. "I gotta take this" he said, and hurried out of the bathroom.

After a while, I went out to see if he'd left, but he was still standing on the lawn in front of my house, talking to someone. 

"Yeah, that would be great! Alright, I look forward to it, see you later" he hanged up, and started walking back to the house. "Listen, Sean, I gotta g-" "Who was that?" I said, interrupting him. He blushed, and quietly aswered: "N-nobody". "Come on Mark, was that your crush? Did you ask her out?" In a way, I was kind of dissapointed, even though I didn't know why. "Uhm.. That doesn't matter.." He said, turning around. "I gotta go, see you later!" He yelled, waving his hand while walking away. "Bye!" I yelled after him, and walked up to my room again. I still had a massive headache, so I took some aspirin, and layed down on my bed again. Why does Mark constantly change the subject, when I mentions his crush? 


Mark and I had agreed on meeting tonight, so now I was on my way over there. We lived quite close to each other, which meant, we spent a lot of time together, but when I got there, there was already someone standing on the front lawn. "Hello?" I said, expecting it to be Mark, but when the person turned around, I saw that it was Britney. "Oh, hi Sean!"She said, hugging me. "What are you doing here?" She said, but I didn't aswer. What was she doing doing here? 

"I'm here to see Mark" I quietly said. "No you aren't silly, I'm here to see Mark, we're going on a date" She smiled, fixing one of her blonde locks of hair. What the fuck was she talking about?

I must have looked confused, cause she just rubbed my shoulder. "I'm sorry it didn't work out between us", I must look pathetic right now. I didn't even want something to work out between us.

The door opened, and out came Mark, looking like everything was fine. "Mark, care to explain what's going on?" I said, and he looked between me and Britney, and just facepalmed. "Fuck, I'd totally forgotten about our plans, can we do it tomorrow instead?" He said. "Yeah, sure" I said, grinding my teeth. "Oh, and I guess she was the one you talked to on the phone this morning?" I said sarcastically. "Yeah, how'd you know?" Britney said, looking confused as hell. "Just a lucky guess" I said, walking away.

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