What Is It?

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They shut the massive front door of her apartment and just as they were locking it, as if almost on cue, the creepy old lady with eighteen cats( well not really eighteen, but then they had never seen her without a ball of wool in her hand) who lived next door, croaked " curiosity can kill the cat, you know?"

"Well, Mrs. Bannister, I hope yours die. They have gotten real smelly."

"Matt! Quit it!" Sara shook her head in disbelief.

With that they took off. The elevator ride was painfully slow and the bad default music wasn't making things any better.

"So! You found a lover yet, honey- bun?"
"Seriously, are we doing that? I know you are a hormone crazy teenager, but keep it to yourself."
"Are you asexual?"
"Matt! I am warning you." Sara went red in the cheeks.
Matt made a pistol with his fingers and pointed it to Sara's head.
"Tell me now or I'll shoot you."
"Just when I thought we could be friends."Sara shook her head. " What are you? Twelve?"
"You are such a spoilsport."
"I don't understand why people think you're a genius. Probably because they only look at your marks. Delayed neuronal development is what you have."
"And yet, the only person you are friends with is me."
Sara pulled her tongue out and that was all the ammo Matt needed. "Yep, that's real mature."
"Let's just go."

As they finally got to the bottom, the elevator opened its gates to possibilities galore.

They went out of the automatic sliding glass doors of their high-rise, the doors that were an object of fascination for them both, when they were first installed.

It was quiet outside, with only the street lamp spreading it's halo. They got in Matt's car and drove off in full speed towards the source of the sound.

They reached the city's edge, at the daffodil farms and in between one of them, they spotted wisps of smoke.

Matt stepped on the break and the car came to a halt with a screech.
They both got off and trod carefully on dangerous territory.

A few steps ahead was an extraordinary site.

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