12. That Dream

Depuis le début

'Lou! I got you a bar!' a voice calls, coming into Louis section

'You?' Harry questions when he sees me.

I wipe my eyes, and sniffle slighty, running a hand throught my hair.

I probably look awful

'Me' I say

'I'm sorry, I should go. I just came to make sure Louis was ok. I just...yeah. Sorry. See you in school. I'll  visit you soon Louis' I say, giving them a slight wave before walking away

 I walk away from Louis bed, despite the fact my heart was beating faster and faster with every step away from him, despite the fact that my brain was telling me to turn around and be with him, despite the fact my heart was aching as I walked further and further away from him, despite the fact my insides are practically mush, just thinking of him despite the fact that my brain shuts down and my heart takes over whenever he's near, despite.....despite the fact I loved him. Despite the fact I loved Louis William Tomlinson. But no matter how strong my feelings are, no matter how much my heart beated when I was near him, no matter how much my brain told me to go be with him, no matter how much my heart was aching or how much my inside turned to mush when I was near him or the fact that my heart takes over when I'm near him, none of that mattered. Because deep down, I knew, no matter how nice he had been, no matter how sweet and kind he had been, he was playing me. He had no feelings for me. Even if he was actong like he used to when we were going out, thats all it is. Acting. This is all a sick game to him. 

I get madder and madder as I argue with myself in my head about Louis. Maybe I'm the one that should be in hospital..... 

I get into my car and slam the door, gripping the steering wheel.


I grab my phone and scroll down until I find his number. I open up a new message

To: Keenan ;)

Hey, It's Eleanor, we met at the restaurant :) x

I start up the car and start driving home. I decide to stop at Starbucks on the way back. I park my car down the street and grab my handbag, getting out and locking the car. I take my phone out of my bag and see I have 1 new message.

From: Keenan ;)

Hey! Yeah, I remember :) How r u? xx

To: Keenan ;)

uhm i was in a little crash earlier but I'm good :) hbu?? xx

From: Keenan ;)

Oh God! Really?! R u ok? :/ xx

To: Keenan ;)

I' m fine haha :) xx

From: Keenan ;)

I'll have to c 4 myself! r u free? x

To: Keenan ;)

Ya, i'm just out of hospital, just stopped off at starbucks 

From: Keenan ;)

I'll be there in 5 mins! xx

To: Keenan ;)

Cnt wait! :P x

I realise, when I put my phone away, that I walked past the restaurant.

I sigh and turn around, waking back to it. I open the door and walk up to the counter.

It's suprisingly quiet, only an old woman sitting in the corner

That Love ➳ l.t.&e.c.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant