Chapter 16- iGhostly Rock!

Start from the beginning

"You look awesome like always" He said and all I could do was just stare at his lovely blue eyes. There was something about those eyes those eyes too. His eyes were captivating and it would be so hard for any girl to resist them. He cleared his throat waiting for a response.

How rude of me

"Uhm...Thank you" I said with a blush plastered on my face. I think I made it obvious for him to see how happy I was to hear him say that because he had a huge smile on his face.

"I thought it wouldn't be nice if I don't say 'hi' to...." he moved his mouth close to my ears. For a moment I thought he was up to something, and I tried leaning back as he came closer. "...chill I'm not going to kiss you." He laughed. "...I was going to say 'wonder girl" he whispered.

I paused for a second before finally saying something "What?" I asked and giggled

Was he actually saying that to my ear? He didn't even care that we in the school hallway. I guessed that was why he whispered into my ears.

"You're funny" I said, hoping it came out right.

"Am i? Oh yeah....I think I am" he said and I laughed out loud this time, forgetting that people were there or that my friends were watching us both.

I heard Emma cleared her throat and I look at her. I totally got carried away by another boy who wasn't Kent for the first. Wasn't that odd? I was beginning to question myself and my feelings.

"I guess I'll see you around" he said.


"Alright, See you girls around" he gave a thumbs up and walked away. I smiled and slightly shook my head as I watched him walk away until I felt someone's hands on shoulder. I turned to see Kim tapping me continuously on the shoulder.

"Hey...we're still here" Kim said

"Hello" Emma snapped her fingers in my face.

"Hmmm...Let's go" I said

"Where?" Emma asked "Not until you tell us what just happened?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, though i knew what she meant.

"You were smiling like...."

"Like what?"

"You know what. You both practically flirted in front of us and you're acting like it's nothing" Emma said. I never knew saying hi to a boy meant flirting, Kent said the same thing.

"That wasn't flirting..." I defended.

"The new guy just spoke to you. Since when did you became friends with him? I thought you were the shy one amongst us three. You don't wanna talk to any boy who isn't Kent" Emma said and folded her arms in, waiting for me to screw up my answer.

"It was him who gave you the bracelet, Is he the new friend?" Kim asked.

"No! We're not friends, we only met at Sallis once and talked for few seconds. That was all"

"Really?" Kim asked with her brow raised.

"Yeahhhh...then he mentioned if I would like to hang out some day"

"Really?" Emma and Kim squeaked.

"What did you say?" Kim asked again, I was getting tired of the questions.

"I said yes"

"OMG!!!!" Emma mouthed. I knew she wanted to scream but she couldn't because we were in the middle of the school hallway.

"So you have a date with him?" Kim asked and my head was just scream Kim...stop!

"Not really...but we could"

"Do you like him?" Kim asked


"What? No...not like I hate him but I don't like him in the way you think" maybe I liked him a little bit or a little bit more.

"But he's cute" Kim said.

"Yeah...but you shouldn't get too much excited about that Kim. He seems like a flirt to me, girls are always all over him. Haven't you seen the way the girls in school hover over him?" Emma said and my mouth formed into a silent O. I never thought someone like him could be like that. He was cute but did it mean all cute boys were bad boys?

"I haven't noticed" I said and that was the truth

"I heard he's always been like that, he played around with girls heart at his old school. He was the school bad boy, he caused a lot of trouble wherever he went" Emma added

"That's true" Kim supported

"Be careful, take things slowly" Emma said

"There is nothing to take slowly 'cos I don't have the intention of going beyond the friend zone. Besides, we're not really friends" I said as I kept wondering if what they were really saying about Bryce was true "i'm not into him"

"It always seems like that in the beginning and you just find out you're in love already" Emma said.

"Emma...." I laughed

"I'm just trying to safe your heart from another heartbreak..."

Just then, the bell rang for the first period and I knew it was time to forget about the discussion. I was finally going to escape explaining the imaginary friend that got me the bracelet.

"Can we go to class now?"

"This isn't over" Emma said and I just couldn't help but laugh again. I was just happy they always had my back. Maybe it was time I told them about Kent......


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