cheng xiu let go of yixing hand as she turned to him, which saddened him a bit, "after each my revenge plots i like to go here and..." she pauses trying to find the right word, "... reflect."

     turning around once again, she walks toward the giant window revealing the view of the city at night.

     yixing was stared at the nice view, "this is the perfect place to talk to somebody. like those times where we went up to to my roof to talk, we had bean bags up there with a bowl of snacks as we talked and watched the stars." he dragged on.

     cheng xiu bit her lower lip as she looked at the boy next to her, he was still looking at the lights of the city. she turned back to the view, "w-what did you wanted to talk about?"

     yixing's mouth opened to answer but he hesitated, if brought up the topic cheng xiu would probably get mad him. "about—about us."

"about us." he repeated with more confidence.

"w-what? i thought we already did earlier?" cheng xiu bit her lip once again, this time hard enough for her lip to swell up.

"but this time i know that you weren't some figment of my imagination." he pointed out.

"but even if i was didn't i tell you i was sorry a bunch of times already? didn't i tell you why was there? didn't i tell you that you probably should be mad at me?" cheng xiu turned to face the male on her left.

"yes, you did. but... i-it just wasn't clear to me. i have so much questions that i wanted to ask over the eight years you left me!" yixing turned to face the girl, staring deeply into her eyes.

"why did you leave?" he asked.

"i told you, i didn't have a good enough reason!" she answered.

"there is a good enough reason, you're just not telling me!" he pressed.

"i said... i don't have a good reason." cheng xiu repeated.

"tell me!"

"fine!" she shouted, "i thought you had gotten annoyed by me, so i thought you hated me! i thought you didn't want to be friends with me anymore! i thought we just didn't have anything in common and so you just didn't have interest in me anymore!" she fumed with heavy breath from all her shouting.

"you thought i didn't want to be your friend anymore!?" yixing had gotten closer to the girl. "i was the one who thought you hated me, i thought you were the one that didn't want to see anymore!" as yixing kept on getting closer, cheng xiu kept on stepping backwards. by this point she was already up against the wall.

"yixing, i—" she tried to hold him back, suddenly she felt tears rushing to her eyes.

"you thought i didn't want to be with you anymore? well i was the one that waited those eight years hoping and praying that you would notice me again, we would be best friends once again. but this wasn't what i was hoping for." yixing himself had tears in his eyes, but nothing was falling.

"and you had the right to think i would pity you tonight? well through those eight years, my family thought i was depressed! and even if i was, you were the one who caused it! you, li cheng xiu are the one who ruined my life!" yixing erupted, the ball of emotions that was trapped inside him for eight years just bursts in front of the girl who caused it all.

cheng xiu had a tear run down her face as she tried to think of something to say, but if she did, she probably just made it worst.

"but even if you did ruin those eight years of my life... you were still the best thing that happened to me, and i can't stay mad at you for that." yixing said looking at the girl.

it was quiet after all of their shouting and yelling. their heavy breaths were the only thing that was audible in the room. suddenly, yixing realized what he had said and done.

he reached out his right hand to wipe cheng xiu's tears on her cheeks away, "cheng—"

the girl slaps his hand away, jumping off the wall she grabs her backpack she had set on the table and slung it over her shoulder, "we should go, it's almost three." she announced monotonously.

she left the room with the door open, leaving yixing dumbfounded. his hand still hovered in the air where she had slapped his hand away. he gulped before turning around and leaving the room.

raking through his black hair, he thought about what he had done. he shouldn't have done that.

maybe this was another thing he regrets on saying.


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because not a lot of
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besides my friends rip

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