"Lily" Neal said from beside me, shaking me out of my constant daydream. I looked over at him and realised we had reached the car park. "are you okay? You've been ignoring me since we walked down the stairs." his eyebrows were furrowed and his expression was confused.

"I'm fine." I said uneasily, which I'm sure Neal caught on. I couldn't tell him that I was thinking of him, I'd rather die than give Caffrey the extra ego boost. "I was thinking about home." I said, it was partly true. I had been thinking about home before.

Neal nodded his head in understanding. "Are you missing it?" he asked as we walked nearer Peter's black car.

"Yeah I guess so, I don't know it's pointless I've been waiting for this moment for the whole of my childhood." I said looking over at Neal and seeing a small smirk appearing on his face. " No Neal, I'm not talking about meeting you."

"What?" Neal asked his voice raising like I had suspected him of murdering someone. "I would never even think-"

"Yeah yeah." I said smiling shaking my head slightly. We now we're at Peter's car. Neal smiled as he opened the front door for me, I smiled as I sat down. Peter greeted me with a polite hello with Neal still holding the door.

"You owe me the rest of that conversation." He said smiling as I just furrowed my eyebrows, why would he want to continue the conversation? It wasn't anything significant just about London.

"Sure, if you want?" I wanted to say but it sounded more like a question making Neal smile and jump into the back of the car. Peter looked over at me and smiled.

"You alright Scarlet?" He asked turning his key in the car making the engine start. Moving out of the parked space and into the New York streets.

"Yeah, I'm great." I said smiling "thank you for letting me come with you two for lunch."

"No problem, you seem to have a knack of making Neal less annoying when you're here." Peter said with a smirk on his face and I smiled.

"I can still hear you." Neal said from the back of the car making me laugh.

"Well if he is less annoying when I'm around I don't want to ever see him when I'm not here."

"I'm not deaf!" Neal exclaimed from the back of the car. I smiled as Peter laughed, I guess I was fitting in with the boys. Well at least with Peter.


"Have you decided with what you want to order?" The waitress asked as she came around, she had already came at least three times checking up if we were okay; and I could only think of one reason why. Neal.

"Yeah I think we'll have, number 3, 5 and 8." Neal said pointing to the menu as he resisted the words. The waitress had long blonde hair, bright green eyes, legs that nearly reached her elbows and every chance she would get she would look at Neal like he was sex on legs. Her eyes taking down his shirt probably thinking about what lied underneath. Little did she know that I had seen it only this morning.

Not that I was bothered.

"Great, well I'll just get you that and your drinks will be here any moment sir." She said and walked off purposely shaking her lower half of her body.

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