Chapter 9

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Noah's POV:

"So is there a reason we had to ice skating?" Harry grumbled as we skated.

"Oh, come on Harry. Loosen up and have fun for once." I sent him a smile that he didn't return. "You said you were stressed the other night... why?"

"I don't wish to talk of that." He said, and it was like poison coming from his mouth.

"So something with the forbidden part of Harry's past. Got it." I said, but I was no where near to finished with trying to figure him out. "What were you writing last night by the way?"

"A letter." He simply said, his hands being stuffed in his pockets. 

"To who?"

"No one you need to know." I could tell he was getting angry so I dropped it.

I looked around a bit trying to find something else to talk about. "Oh look Harry!" I pointed up at the sky where a couple shooting stars past. "Make a wish." I told him. 

"A wish? Are you serious?" He looked at me strange. 

"Of course. It will be fun to feel like a child again. Think back to when you were a kid and did silly things like this." 

"That was a long time ago... And I had to grow up pretty quickly." He told me, looking up at the night sky. 

"Well, you're about to feel like a kid again." I grabbed his arm, surprising him, and pulling him over to the side of the ice skating ring. "Close your eyes and make a wish." Harry sighed, but did as I asked. I did that same, smiling as I made my wish. I wish for Harry to open up to me. Yes, that is my wish.  

I looked at Harry and smiled. He still had his eyes closed, and I found myself wondering what he wished for, if he even wished for anything. I looked up to the sky, leaning my head on Harry's shoulder. I felt him stiffen, and move away slightly. I frowned, but quickly tried to cover my disappointment. I looked to Harry to see him looking away from me. "We should go." He grabbed my arm, not in a loving way either, and pulled me to the bench we sat in earlier. He quickly got his skates off, and apparently I was going too slow cause he finished taking mine off. 

We turned in our skates, and Harry literally dragged me to the car. I didn't look at him on the way home. I looked down at my hands, picking at my fingernails as he drove. Is there a reason he reacted that way? Or is it that he just doesn't like me very well. "Harry?" I asked finally looking at him. He didn't say anything just sighed. I took that as an indicator to continue. "Do you not like me?" I asked. "Like as in as a person." 

Harry gripped the steering wheel for a second, but then released it, sighing again. "It's not like that. I never like getting close to people." He told me, his tone staying flat. "For one I don't know you well enough to answer that honestly, and two, like I said, I don't like getting close to people." 

I simply nodded, not knowing what else to say. "I'm sorry I ask so many questions. I guess I'm just curious a lot... Especially about you. The other lads will tell me anything I ask, but you... You're so secretive. I know I shouldn't pry, but you being so secretive makes me even more curious. Every time I ask something that you don't want to answer, you look so pained. Maybe I'm so curious because I'm thinking maybe I could do something so those memories won't be so painful for you..." I chuckled to myself. "I don't know why I'm telling you all this." 

Harry didn't speak, he didn't even nod. Did I say something wrong? Or maybe he doesn't have anything to say. "I'm sorry... maybe I shouldn't have said anything." I told him, looking down at my hands again. 

"You don't have to apologize." He told me. We pulled up to the house, and Harry took of the car before opening his door. "I'll be in my room if you need me." He shut his door and quickly went inside, leaving me outside. 

I sighed, unbuckling and getting out the vehicle. I went inside, taking a quick shower and heading to bed. I don't know what was going through Harry's mind when I told him why I was so curious, but he seemed to be in deep thought... Why?

Harry's POV: 

Did I really show my pain when she asked me things that I didn't want to answer? I thought I was over it by now... It happened nearly four-hundred years ago... Why does she seem to care so much? She thinks she can do something to "heal" me? 

I was pacing my room thinking about everything she said. Why did she seem to care about me so much? And why did she lay her head on my shoulder. It was such a simple thing, but it was too close for comfort. I don't want what happened with Victoria to repeat itself... 

I let out a sigh, going in my closet and kneeling down by the little book shelf I had in there. On top with Victoria's music box she gave me... It had a little ballerina that twirled when you cranked it up. I don't know why I kept in my closet... Maybe so I don't have to see it all the time and be reminded of... I let out another side, getting up and leaving the music box. I need to forget... But that's near to impossible. 

I let out a grown, basically throwing my shirt and my jeans off before I fell on the bed, leaving me in my black boxers. I just need some sleep. All of this confusion will go away in the morning. 

*SORRY FOR SUCH THE LATE UPDATE! But long story short, my house flooded and yea. But we're fine! I finally got a chance to write, so I hope y'all like it :) And what do y'all think????*    

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