Chapter 9

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(Toast's POV)

"Jennifer! Are you hurt?" Ghost yelled out, running into her direction. I ran behind him, she was on her knees and putting her hands over her face. She didn't look too good.

"He didn't do anything to me. I'm fine. Just over whelmed... that's all." Jennifer stood up, walking towards the direction of where we came. She seemed different a little, I mean I've only known her for a couple of hours. "He left, want to get back to the offices?"

"Um, yeah sure..." Ghost walked in front of her to the van, I followed behind to make sure Jennifer was okay.

We all got into the van and Ghost drove off to get to the offices.  It was silent in the van, nobody spoke a word including me. Usually Ghost would crack a horrible joke or something but it was downright silence. It took about twenty minutes for us to get there because of traffic, and we got here. As soon as we did, Jennifer waited for the van doors to be unlocked. After they were she walked in the front doors leaving us coming outside the van. Ghost and I looked at each other in concern.

"There is something she is not telling us, something else happened back there. I am going to find out what." I looked a Ghost and shook my head no.

"Ghost, I wouldn't. It was her first job on her first day here, I think she is just in awe of everything that happened. Give her time maybe? Remember my first job?"

"Yeah, you were a freaking mess. You were on booze trying to forget it, I understand. I guess we could give her some time. That's good advice Toast, nice job."

(Jennifer's POV)

"Hey Jennifer! How did the call go? Did we finally catch the dragon thing?" Sally asked, I however just walked by not saying a word. I really didn't want to talk about it, I wanted to just grab my wallet I leave here.  I walked to the office space they gave me and closed the door, I sat on the chair. Thinking about what I should do now, leave the job or just suck it up and stay to learn more. I found my wallet and walked out of my desk/office area, as I made my way to the door to leave. Ghost approached me.

"If you ever want to talk about what happened back there, you have my number, just call. Come back when you're officially ready." He turned around and went to the back room. I sighed and walked outside to my car. As I opened the door to my car, I sat inside and started my car. I don't have a phone anymore so I can't call anyone... which sucks. I might go and get a flip phone for now until I have enough to buy a phone.

Before I went home I stopped at a local electronic store and bought the lowest price flip phone. Thank god I write down my phone numbers down in my apartment. I got home shortly after and just sat on my bed, thinking on what I should do. I got my notebook, the notebook I have written everything I've found out so far on the now confirmed demon/ghost. I wrote down everything that happened inside the notebook, I turned to flip phone and l looked around for the paper I wrote down my phone numbers. Which were only my parents and a couple of friends from college/high school. I really don't go out much anymore, I guess you can say I'm socially awkward in a way. Anyways, I found my friends number, Alexis Davis, she has been friends with me since middle school. She is one of the people who has been helping me out every so often. I put her number into my phone and called her. It rang for a few moments then someone finally picked up.

"Hello. Who is calling this number?"

"Hey Alexis! It's Jennifer, my phone got um... it's a long story but I might have found something out about that thing that has been following me. Can you come over later? I'll order pizza."

"Oh, Jennifer. I actually can't come over today I have a... special dinner tonight and I am getting ready for it right now so maybe tomorrow morning? Is that good?"

"Sure. That's fine. Who are you going to dinner with?" I was bummed out because I was hoping to tell her about everything, maybe I should try to talk to Ghost.

"Um, no one special just a dinner with a guy I met last week. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. I have to go, see you tomorrow. I'll meet you at the coffee shop across the street from your apartment at eight. Bye!" Alexis hung up on me, I now have no idea what to do tonight maybe I could just sleep until morning or go out and have a drink or two. It couldn't hurt right? Going to a bar, drinking my troubles away. I could ask Ghost to meet me there? Maybe? No, because then people might think I on a date... wait why would I think that? Man, I am all over the place today. You know what, I am going to call Ghost and see if he wants to have a drink with me. Yeah I'm going to do that. And no one can stop my socially awkward self.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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