Chapter 3

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Ghost looked at Sally, and she ran up to Ghost giving him a huge hug.

"Hey Ghosty! Where's Toasty?" Sally asked Ghost, looking to see where Toast was.

"Oh, he's taking our stuff over to the apartment. He'll be back shortly. Do you know what time it is Sally?" Ghost asked.

"It's about ten-fifthteen. When do those um..." Sally was thinking about what it was.

"The interviews? They aren't until twelve o' clock." Ghost walks to his office. "What could I do in the mean time?"

"You could let me take over and we could go on a killing spree!" Jimmy chuckled and laughed evilly.

"No Jimmy. We can't, we are at the office and Sally's here." Ghost said, pacing back and forth.

"Oh! Really? Why don't I go and mess with her!!" Jimmy smiled.

"No. Jimmy don't you dare." Ghost pleaded.

"And I win!!" Jimmy laughed. He took over Ghost body. As he ran out of the office door, he called for Sally. "Oh Sally? Are ya here?"

Sally slowly got up from her chair and turned around "Um... Jimmy is that you?"

"Maybe!!" Jimmy crackled and laughed.

"Go away Jimmy, you insane freak!" Sally said, a little frightened. "How did you get here?"

"I have my ways Ms. Sally, didn't you remember? I kill people for a living." Jimmy ran behind the desk where Sally was. "So, do you want to know a secret?"

"No. I don't want to. Go away you creep!" Sally yelled "Ghost! Help me!!"

"Oh. Johnny Ghost? He is taking a little... hm." Jimmy thought for a moment. "Nap. I guess you could say and don't worry he isn't dead." He cleared his throat. "Now. I am going to ask again. Do you... want to... know my... secret?"

"No I don't Jimmy. Go please, I don't want to know." Sally trying to hold back her tears.

"Don't make me bring out knifey! He hasn't seen blood for a while." Jimmy grabbed his knife from his blue jacket pocket.

"Jimmy. Put knifey away! Just tell me your pointless, stupid secret so you can go!!" Sally pleaded.

"It's about time!" Jimmy popped up from behind Sally's desk.

"AH!!" Sally screamed. "Jimmy! Don't do that!"

"Hahahahahaha!" Jimmy laughed, jumping up and down. "That was the secret! I was here the whole time!"

"Whatever! Now please just leave." Sally put her hands on the desk pouting. "Or else I'll slap you with my waffles." Sally crossed her arms, giving Jimmy her pouting look.

"Wow! I'm so scared of waffles, since you threatened me... knifey wants to taste some blood." Jimmy grabs his knife and jumps across the table, putting the knife against Sally throat.

"Jimmy!! Don't do it! We'll go to jail!" Ghost tried to take over but couldn't.

"Make me!! Hahahahahaha!" Jimmy laughed insanely. "Now Sally, why don't we leave this place and spend some alone time together. We have so much to catch up on."

"No! Never Jimmy!!" Sally struggled, trying to get away.

"Hey Sally! I'm here! How is everyth..." Toast paused, as he opened the door. He saw Jimmy holding his knife to her neck.

"Well, well well... Isn't it Johnny Toast? Ruining all the fun." Jimmy smiled.

"John..." Toast sighed. "Jimmy. Put the knife down now."

"Why should I? I haven't see the sight of blood for a while now. Because of your..." Jimmy exclaimed.

"No. Don't say it, don't make me remove that knife Jimmy. Put her down. Now." Toast narrowed his eyes in anger.

"What are you going to do Toasty? Burn me?" Jimmy laughed. "Get it, toast and burn."

"Yes I do!" Toast ran toward Jimmy and grabbed his knife throwing it across the room.

"No knifey!!" Jimmy yelled letting go of Sally. "You. You touched knifey!!"

"Sally. Go to Ghost's office and lock the door!!" Toast yelled.

"Yes sir!" Sally ran over to Ghost's office and did what Toast asked.

"Mr. Toast! You touched my knife. You passed the line." Jimmy yelled, insanely. "Now. You must die and I don't care if Ghost take's over afterward. I'll make you pay, for all the times... you hit me. Stopping me from killing you!!!" Jimmy yelled louder in anger. He jumped on top of Toast, trying to choke him.

"Johnny... make him... stop. Please..." Toast said, trying to get Jimmy to stop.

"Oh. Look at Mr. Tough Guy now. You. Must. Die!!!!" Jimmy started to laugh insanely.

"Jimmy... Johnny... whoever you are. Stop him. Fight... him!!" Toast started to lose his breath, slowly closing his eyes.

All of the sudden, someone came up from behind Jimmy and whacks him out cold on the head. Toast was able to come back to his senses.

"Mr. Toast. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks for saving me..." Toast looks up, as his vision came back he noticed Sally, sitting on her knees next to him. "Sally?"

"Yep. That's me! I used a pan to knock Jimmy out." Sally smiled.

"Why, how do you have a pan?" Toast asked.

"Oh. I looked in my backpack for Freddie's frisbee. And then I ran out and smacked him on the head Mr. Toast." Sally still smiling, and was very proud of herself.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks again Sally. I'll take Jimmy here to the police." Toast stood up slowly and put Jimmy/Johnny over his shoulder.

"Do you need me to come with?" Sally asked, grabbing her backpack.

"No. no need, just go get his knife for me. Be careful." Toast pointed where it was at. Sally gave it to him and Toast walked out. "Keep watch on the place and clean up a little bit."

"Okay Mr. Toasty." Sally mumbled to herself "Where is Mr. Ghosty? He wasn't inside his office."


Toast went to the back of the building to wake up Johnny.

"Johnny?" Toast sat next to him against the wall. "Johnny?"

There was no response and Toast sat there for a few minutes to see if Ghost would wake up by himself. And afterward, Toast got a water bottle and poured it over Johnny's face.

"Hey! What put water on my head?"

Toast jumped up, throwing the water bottle down. "Who are you?"

"I'm Johnny Ghost. Paranormal..." Ghost looked up "Toast?"

"Thank goodness. What in the world were you thinking? Jimmy almost killed me and Sally. Why didn't you stop him from taking over? You usually do."

"I tried. But for some reason he was more powerful than usual. I think he has something against Sally."

"Huh. That's weird, what could he possibly hate about Sally?" Toast asked.

"I don't know to be honest. It's really weird and I'm not asking her. Maybe you can."

"Oh, okay. Let's just head back inside so we can get ready for these interviews." Toast got his bag. "And another thing. If Sally asks you where you were, just tell her Jimmy took you and threw you out here and this is where I found you. Okay?"

"Alright, sounds great to me. Are you hurt at all?"

"I have a bruise. But I'll be fine."

Toast walked to the front and Ghost followed. They went to go help Sally clean up and make the place look good for the interviews.

Thanks guys so much for reading!! You guys always keep me going when I'm upset, You my awesome fans. I hope your ready for what the next chapter has in store!

#2 - P.I.E Investigations: Lost In The Dark (A VenturianTale Fan-Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora