Chapter 7

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(Ghost's POV)

While Toast is driving, I was thinking of different routes that could or would be faster to get to the place. I was telling Toast on where to turn and it ended up us yelling at each other. Jennifer however was extremely calm and not as nervous as Toast was back when he first started. Which was very interesting, by now she's probably thinking of ways to detain the entity or destroy it. I might actually start to like this girl, she seems like she knows what she's getting into.

"Hey guys, do you want me to read about Prince Fang to remind you everything about him?" Jennifer asked and flipping thru the book to read the page about him.

"Yeah. Go ahead Jenny, we will be listening. About five minutes until we arrive there." I said, looking at Toast to listen and to stop bickering.

"Prince Fang is a dimensional dragon. From the 13th dimension and is prince of his nation from the 19th dynasty. He is selfish and clever, has ability to travel from any dimension in existence. Also has dark magic and is capable of killing. Is a level 12 necromancer (which means, can bring the dead back to life). Able to steal your soul and is allergic is rust." Jennifer read from the book, "And that's it. I'll start looking in the back to see if we happen to have any rust near here."

"Alright. And we are here, I'll come help you look back there." I got out of the van to go help Jennifer look for something rusty.

"Got it! I found a rusty wrench that was underneath a bag of chips." Jennifer handed it to me and got out of the van.

"Ready for your first adventure?" Toast jumping, sarcastically in the air.

"Ready as I'll ever be. What do I do?" Jennifer asking, nervously.

"Just follow our lead and you'll be fine, trust me." I followed behind Johnny, while Jennifer followed behind me. As we were looking around, nobody was to be seen. The streets were clear, no person was even walking on the block. Which was out of the ordinary for a main road.

"I told the guy on the phone to get people out of the area. His name was Jase I believe. Want me to look around for him or a person who lives here?" Jennifer looked at me and Johnny, I nodded to give her the go ahead. I have a strong feeling that she'll be fine, much smarter than I thought before.

"Alright, just be very very careful. Prince Fang is a very dangerous dragon. He has dark magic that can kill you instantly.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I'll be fine." Jennifer walked off in the distance, looking for clues of Prince Fang or even living people around here.

I asked Johnny if he had a plan and normal Johnny, he didn't think of one. I hate it when he does that, after we walked around a bit he had a plan to try and talk to the dragon which is really the only thing we all can do. So we both started to look around for any clue left behind to see if he is still even here in the area.

(Jennifer's POV)

I was looking for a guy... named Jase. I haven't found anything which is really frustrating. I was wondering on what could have happened after I hung up. I've yelled out his name a couple times an there was no answer. I turned a corner which lead to a alley way, I thought I herd a small, innocent creepy chuckle. A weird creepy chuckle you would hear in a horror movie, the rated "R" ones, not the PG-13 want to be movies. Anyways, as I was walking I look behind a trash bin and there was nothing there just as I turned around. I could feel a presence near me for some reason. I spoke out saying if there was anything there.

"Seems like someone new join the family." I looked in the direction of the voice but there was nothing there.

"Show yourself. Don't make me look for you." I was starting to get really annoyed, wait maybe he's in my head but that's not in the book.. interesting.

"Well, it looks like I'm going to have a fun time. I'll play with my food a little." I walked closer to the voice and didn't see anything but then again the darkness of a alleyway doesn't help the situation.

"Who or what is out there?" I slowly began to reach for my phone, as I took it out. It was forced out of my hands and the phone plummeted down to ground, breaking it. "Are you serious!!! That was a one-hundred dollar phone!"

"Now you'll won't be able to call the Johnny over to help you, the newbie."

"So your Prince Fang I presume?" I smirked crossing my arms, "To afraid to face me you stupid dragon?" I thought to myself, I know I'm so screwed, he's not a ghost... he's a dragon for crying out loud."

"Your indeed correct. Man, you've learned quickly considering they just hired you." Prince Fang came out of the darkness and showed his, scaly looking face with yellow eyes.

"How did you..." I sighed in confusion.

"How did I? I have a friend with me. I know people who have been looking around the area and heard that they hired a intern."

"What are you going to do now? Kill me?" I threw my hands up in the air in anger.

"Not yet. Remember I like playing with my food. Like these dog and cats do."

"Hmph." I was thinking of ways to escape. But then she felt a dark spirit emerge from behind her. "Oh no.."

A/N: Thank you guys once again so much for reading this fan fiction!! Sorry it took a little long to update, I had to edit this part because I want you get the feel of the personality of my OC Jennifer. Hope you like!! Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel WolffireGD! And vote if you like.

Peace out!


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