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It's the end of the road guys.... I hope you enjoyed the book. Since I may have broken some hearts a few chapters back, I won't make any promises if this chapter will kill or repair your heart! Enjoy the last chapter of Can't Catch A Break!

Warning : Cuteness overload from the gif! LAST CHAPTER!

Words : 364


The sun peeked through my draperies as I opened my eyes, flinging my duvet off my body and throwing my legs onto the carpeted floor. I had extra bounce in my step as I hopped down the stairs, practically sprinting to the kitchen. The refrigerator's door flew off its hinges as I pulled out some milk for my desperately craved cereal. I felt a kick as large hands snaked around my large-sized abdomen, rubbing the round belly. Dark hair flew into my face as a head was laid on my left shoulder from behind. "Well, good morning to you too," I giggled as I felt a wet, sloppy kiss was being placed on my cheek. I parted from my lover as I placed the milk on the table, turning and running right into a smiling doof.

The past few months had been really weird. It seems as if some segments of my life is missing from my memory. I constantly try to think back, only to see what I'm forgetting, but in the end, I can't remember and I become frustrated. He keeps telling me to not try to strain myself, since it will harm the life force growing inside me. Even though I can't remember much, my life partner is keeping my spirits high, as well as the Winchesters. This is the happiest I have ever been.

Two bowls were placed down in front of me while I was spacing out. I gave a faint smile, blushing furiously, and sat across from the dark haired angel. I reached for the cereal box, but the bowls were filled to the rim with the multi-colored loops and milk was already poured over the colored circles. I glanced at a grinning Castiel, spooning the unnecessary food into his mouth. My heart swelled with the thought of having Castiel by my side as we loved and cared for our baby. Seven months seemed to fly once I found out I was expecting. I grabbed the silver spoon and shoveled some cereal into my mouth, striking conversation with my fiancé.

Even though I can't remember much, I'm glad that things turned out to be the way they were.


How's that for a happy ending? Like I said previously, I might make a sequel, but I need to know if that's a good idea or not. I hope you enjoyed the book. I've enjoyed writing this, even though I got stumped plenty of times. I will start working on Living With Sammy now that my main priority is completed.

QOTB : Did you like the book? If so, what did you like about it?

AOTB : I liked it for the most part. I got stumped a little, but I found a way to crawl out of that hole!


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