Year 5: I Promise

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It finally came time for our OWLs. I was definitely not looking forward to this. I was in the great hall with everyone else in my year. Umbridge was up front keeping an eye on us. The only thing I could think of was knocking her teeth down her throat. Oh, there's that little bit of Slytherin in me. I smiled to myself as I continued to try and figure out the answers to this exam. I jumped slightly at some kind of sound outside the doors. I turned to look with everyone else. The sounds got louder. Umbridge, looking extremely angry, slowly mad her way down one of the rows of desks. When she was a few feet from the door it swung open and in flew the Weasley Twins. I watched as they let off wonderful colored explosives. Everyone was delighted by the interruption.

Umbridge had made it back to her original place in the room before the twins busted in. I heard one say "ready George" then the other replied "ready Fred." They threw a big "fire ball" over Umbridge's head. She turned to watch it change into a giant dragon. It chased her out of the room and into the corridor where it suddenly disappeared. All of her rules she had filch hang up were now destroyed and falling all around her. I looked around the room to find Neville. Once I found him I was making my way over there when everyone starting cheering and running out of the room. Neville went with the crowd but I still had my eyes on him. I followed everyone outside where the twins had let off another one that changed into a giant "W" in the sky.

I got close enough to Neville to grab his sleeve. He turned to see me standing in front of him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. "Listen, I'm not going to have long. Meet me and the others at the bridge." He spoke quickly then placed a quick kiss to my lips. I didn't care if anyone saw it. I wanted to be done hiding and I certainly wanted to be done with Draco. Neville had disappeared into the crowd. I brushed my fingers against my lips and smiled. I shook away the distraction and ran for the bridge to meet Neville and the others.

It seemed like hours had passed before I saw anyone come near the bridge. All of a sudden they were all there. Harry and Hermione came from one end. Neville, Ginny, Ron, and Luna came from the end I sat at. Neville grabbed my hand as they ran pass making me get up and run behind him. "So what now?" Ginny asked Harry. "I need to get to the ministry." Harry looked like he was completely on edge. "How would we get there? All the brooms are locked up." Neville said making me look up at him. "No, I appreciate it but it's too dangerous for all of you to come." Harry said shaking his head. "Harry, when are you going to see that you are not in this alone? We are going with you." Hermione spoke in her best authoritative tone. "But how will we get there?" Ron asked the important question. "I might know a way." Luna spoke up in her sing-song voice. "Thestrals" she turned to look out in the woods.

"Brilliant" Harry said before turning towards the woods. I held Neville's had keeping him at my side. He looked down at me. "Are you coming?" He asked with a smile. I shook my head. "I can't. I want to help you but I can't. If Draco or my family find out then I'm dead and so are you. I'll stay here but promise me something." I watched him take in my words. He nodded for me to continue. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me. My lips connected with his making his friends gasp or comment about what they were seeing. I pulled away leaving my forehead to rest against his. "Be safe and come back in one piece." I whispered. His hands grabbed each side of my face as he kissed me again. "I promise" he said then left me to catch up with his friends.

I watched them run to the forest. I didn't leave until I could no longer see them through the trees. I decided to make my way back to the Slytherin common room. The train would be here soon for all of us to go home. I really didn't want to go home. Once I made it to the room I laid down on the couch and decided to take a nice little nap. I actually did doze off and the only reason I know this is because Draco scared the life out of me when he woke me up. "Bloody hell!" I shouted as I shot up from the couch. Draco laughed making me narrow my eyes at him. "It's time to go" he said in his normal voice. All trace that he had just laughed like he was care free again was gone.

I followed him through the school and out the main entrance. It didn't take long for all of us to get in the train and start towards home. "Why were you in the room of requirement with them?" Draco asked as he watched out the window. "I wanted to actually learn magic." I spoke quietly. I was still scared of him. I never wanted to be hit again. "You could have learned from someone else. Why choose Potter?" He didn't sound angry. I would say he sounded more curious than anything. "I know you hate him Draco but Harry is really good. He really knows what he is doing." I paused because I was about to say the biggest lie of my life but it would solve all my problems. "Plus, the closer I can get then the more I can learn. That would be valuable information would it not?" Draco looked at me in shock. Then he smiled at me.

He leaned over the table and roughly pressed his lips to mine. I didn't like it one bit but sadly I had to endure it. I'm just thankful that worked. It worked a little too well. Draco told my father and his father of my brilliant plan and how well it was already working. Both men smiled and told me they were proud that I finally took the initiative. Remember last time I said I was screwed? This time I'm even more screwed.

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