Year 4: It Was An Accident!

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**This is pretty much an alternate universe of the wizarding world. The only things different would be Abby and her family and every that has to do with her. Other than that everything is the same.


My fourth year at Hogwarts was coming to a close and to be honest I actually didn't want it to. This has been the best year so far. Neville and I had become pretty close friends and I couldn't be happier about it. The only down side is that Draco wasn't too happy about the friendship. He was starting to act a bit differently with me. He wasn't as friendly and care free with me like he use to be. Now he was tense and angry with me most of the time. He even raised his hand to me once because I had accidentally forgot I told him I'd meet him in the dorm later but lost track of time with Neville studying in the library.

I was sitting in my last potions class of the year. I was still seated next to Neville since Snape wanted us to continue to work together since we did so well with our project. "I can't believe fourth year is already over." I said as I leaned over to check my notes with his. "I know. This has been a good year. Well, besides Diggory, that was awful." His voice sounded like it was about to crack when he said that poor Hufflepuff boy's name. My heart aches for his family and for Harry. "That was awful" I whispered leaning my face on my hand. "Yea, Harry isn't doing well either." Neville closed his book and grabbed his notes. He placed them next to mine so we could make sure neither of us missed anything. "Can I ask something?" I asked looking up at him studying the papers. "Yea" his eyes met mine with a smile. "If I would to write you over the summer would you write back?" I glanced at him to see a shocked expression. "Why would you want to write me?" He asked raising a brow at me. "Because you've become a close friend who understands and gets me more than, well, anyone." I explained to him hoping I didn't sound weird to him. He smiled with a hint of a blush and nodded. "Of course, it'd be great to have someone other than my grandmother to talk to over summer break." He said with his big cheeky smile.

In Herbology we were able to laugh and joke without the worry of Draco loosing his head. It was nice having these conversations with Neville. We could talk about the silliest things then turn around and have the most serious conversation. I had to remember to thank Snape for partnering us up at the beginning of the year. Also, I won't lie, I was starting to develop quite a crush on him. He was so smart, dazzling eyes, cutest laugh, and he never judged me. My favorite thing had to be how cute he looked when he'd nervously bite his lip. Which he did a lot and it got me every time.

"We talked about the lip thing." I laughed when I glanced at him to see him doing it again. He immediately let go of his lip and looked over to me. "Sorry, I forgot again" he smiled shyly. "Summer homework is rubbish." I whispered to him as the professor went over what she wanted us to learn over the summer. He laughed quietly and leaned closer to me. "Is it sad that I actually enjoy it?" He asked blushing a bit. "There's no way!" I whisper/yelled at him. He put his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing aloud. "Yea, I'm serious. It gives me something to do other than being my grandmothers hand maiden." He grinned at me and I couldn't stop myself. I burst into laughter making the entire class and the professor turn to look at us. Neville quickly put his head down to hide his face. He was clearly blushing bright red. I could clearly see how red his ears were and it made me laugh even harder.

The professor dismissed the class. I had finally calmed down a bit from my laughing fit. "I can't believe you did that!" Neville complained as we headed for the exit. "It was an accident!" I said starting to giggle again. "Oh no! Don't you dare start again!" He yelled with a huge grin turning to face me and walking backwards out of the classroom. "Neville!" I yelled reaching to grab him but I didn't get him in time. He stepped backwards and plowed right into Draco Malfoy. Draco grabbed him and shoved him to the ground with a snarl. "Watch yourself Longbottom!" He yelled at him. I flinched at his anger and that it was towards Neville. I looked down to see him staring helplessly up at me. Draco looked between the two of us then crouched above Neville.

Draco grabbed his shirt pulling him off the ground just a bit. "Draco! What are you doing?" I yelled frantically at him. "It's about time I taught Longbottom here a lesson." Draco pulled Neville to his feet and shoved him against the wall. "Draco stop it!" I yelled grabbing hold of his arm. He used his elbow to hit me in the stomach. I dropped to the ground as my eyes started to water. "Abby!" Neville yelled trying to slip from Draco's grasp. Sadly, he had no chance. Draco slammed him against the wall again.

"What is this?" Professor Mcgonagall asked furiously as she came into view. "Professor" I whimpered in delight to see her. "Mr. Malfoy, release Mr. Longbottom this instant." Her voice held that sharp tone that made you tense from just hearing it. Draco let go of Neville reluctantly then turned to me. He extended his hand and I took it not wanting to piss him off more. I glanced down to Neville who was now sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. He didn't look at me. He actually seemed to be trying everything to avoid my eyes. I sighed and turned back to Draco as he pulled me behind him down the corridor.

The train ride was awful. Draco had the two of us sit alone so we could "talk." For the first few minutes there was nothing but an awkward silence. I sat fidgeting with my hands waiting on him to say something. "What's wrong Draco?" I asked loosing my patience. "I don't want you hanging with Longbottom anymore. The two of you have become too close and people are starting to talk. I refuse to hear that my girlfriend is flirting with someone else let alone that someone being Longbottom. That's a low blow to me." Draco was looking out the window the entire time he spoke. "Draco, I'm not flirting with him. He is just a friend and that's all. I will not be loosing him as a friend just because you are jealous." I spat the last part letting my anger have its way. "We will see about that." He said still watching the passing landscape through the window.


**I won't lie it kind of hurts me to write Draco like this because usually all I want to do is hug Draco and tell him everything is going to be okay. In this I just want to slap him repeatedly.

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