Year 5: It Certainly Is

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**Im just gonna start jumping straight into each chapter. You won't hear from me unless there's something important I'd like to point out. So enjoy!


After dinner I followed Draco back to his room. He made sure to let the others who slept in the same room know it was occupied for a few hours. I laid on the bed and waited for him to lay down and relax next to me. Instead of laying down he sat on the edge beside me. "What's wrong Draco?" I asked watching him closely. He sighed and ran a hand threw his hair. "I'm going to ask only once for this one favor." He sounded exhausted. I sat up so I could hear him better and nodded for him to tell me. "Do not hang out with Longbottom anymore. No talking to him or studying. Just leave him alone." He looked at me with the most serious face I had ever seen him use. He continues to look more and more like his father everyday. "That's going to be hard since Snape made us partners again." I spoke softly trying not to make the situation worse. He looked away from me. I could see his jaw tighten. "I will fix that." His tone was sharp and serious.

A few days later and I was still partners with Neville. I didn't know if Draco had even tried to change it. I took the opportunity to get some alone time with him while I could. "Hey, study at the tower after dinner?" I asked him quietly while Snape went over our lesson for the day. He smiled and nodded but didn't take his eyes off of the professor. I did a little dance in my head at the thought of hanging out with him again.

In Herbology I found myself thinking about how I really felt for Neville. Do I actually like him? I glanced over at him working on the lesson. His brows were knitted together in concentration. He was biting him lip like always. His hair was a mess from running his hands through it repeatedly. Yep, I totally have a crush on him. I groaned and laid my head down. What am I gonna do? I can't have anything with Neville like I want to because I have to be with Draco. Why is life so unfair? My head shot up when I felt someone poke me in the arm. I looked to my right to see Neville looking at me worriedly. "Everything alright?" He asked raising his eyebrows at me. I stared at him speechless. Am I going to find everything he does attractive now? "Abby?" He asked leaning a bit closer to me. I glanced at his lips then shut my eyes tightly. I groaned again and laid my head back down. "I'm gonna take that as a no." Neville whispered just loud enough for me to hear. I stifled a laugh and stayed this way for the rest of the class.

Dinner was horrible this time because I had to tell Draco I'd be studying with Neville after we ate. He wasn't happy at all. My only excuse was simply "he's still my potions partner." With that Draco shut up and just fumed for the rest of dinner. I won't lie it kind of made me happy seeing him like that.

"Sorry I'm late" Neville said as he practically ran into the opening of the tower where I sat. I looked up at him to see his clothes all jumbled and messed up. His hair was the same way. "What happened?" I asked as I looked at him. He sat his books down then plopped himself beside me. "Draco happened" he sighed in frustration. "Excuse me? What did he do?" My voice went a bit higher making me blush a bit. I was furious that Draco had the nerve to do anything to him. I was only studying with him right now because he was still my potions partner. "It doesn't matter. Let's just get to studying." He was grumpier than usual and I didn't like it one bit. I didn't argue though. I was happy to at least get a little bit of time alone with him and I didn't want to ruin it by making him mad at me.

"My eyes are on fire. If I look at this book any longer I'll go blind." I complained as I closed my book and sat it next to me. "Well I can say you have improved greatly in Herbology so you deserve a break." Neville smiled at me making my heart beat a little faster. I looked away and got up from my seat. I walked over to the railing around the tower. I leaned against it and looked out at the school grounds. I jumped slightly when I felt Neville lean on the rail next to me. "What's up with you?" He asked as he looked at the view. "Nothing I'm fine" I lied hoping it would be convincing. "Rubbish, I can tell something is bothering you." I couldn't help but smile at that. I looked at him and smiled even more. "The view up here is beautiful isn't it?" I asked turning away from him again. "It certainly is" he spoke softly making me glance back at him. I felt myself heat up when I noticed he was looking at me the whole time. He cleared his throat as he looked down at his feet.

"Neville" I whispered to get him to look up at me. He met my eyes and in that moment I lost all control over myself. I grabbed his shirt while still keeping his eyes locked with mine. I held my breath as I leaned in. I didn't want to give him a second to protest. My lips met his and my knees started to wobble. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist as he kissed me back. He pulled me closer to him making the kiss deeper. My head was spinning from the feel of it. I pulled away suddenly out of breath. "I'm so sorry" I squealed at the realization of what I had just did. I ran over to my bag and stuffed my books and notes inside it quickly. When I turned around Neville was standing right in front of me.

I didn't move or say a word. I just stood there staring at him like a deer in headlights. "Why did you apologize?" He asked then bit on his bottom lip. My eyes found their way back to his lips. "I shouldn't have done that. I put you in danger and I'm sorry." I didn't take my eyes from him. He surprised me by suddenly pressing his lips against mine. I grabbed at his shirt again pulling him completely against me. When he pulled his lips away he kept his forehead against mine. "Don't apologize" he whispered. "You just made me the happiest guy on this planet. I don't care if this is the only moment I will ever have like this with you. I will remember it forever." He hugged me tightly to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him like my life depended on it. "I wish things were easier." I whispered then pulled away from him. "I should go" I said as I pulled my bag closer to me. "I'll see you in potions." I gave him a quick kiss only lingering for a second then left the tower.

I am so screwed.

In My Wildest Dreamsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें