Year 4: Did I Really Just Say That?

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**Im skipping ahead to year 4 because nothing really happened for Abby in the prior years. I story really begins here. The year of the tri-wizard tournament. Enjoy!


During summer break my father, Kint Dright, along with Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, sat the two of us down to talk about our future. I definitely wasn't pleased about what they hand to say.

"Abigail, Draco, come in here for a moment." My father yelled at us from his office. We got up from our seats on the couch and made our way to the old, dreary looking office. I nodded hello to Mr. Malfoy who was standing next to my father's desk. "Sit" my father gestured to the chairs sitting in front of him. We sat quietly and waited to find out what this was about. "Lucius and I believe it's time we tell the two of you about your future." My father spoke in his usual monotone voice. I glanced at Draco who looked just as confused as I felt. "As you both know you are both the only children of our two families. Luckily you were opposite gender. We made a vow when you were both babes that one day our houses would be joined as one." My eyes grew wide at this. "What?" I slipped out not meaning to. "The two of you will marry once you are older and join the names Dright and Malfoy together. This is not up for discussion. We want the two of you to started 'dating' now." My father did the air quotes around the word 'dating'. I looked at Draco who was already staring at me. "That is all" my father said waving his hand for us to leave. We both stood and made our way out of the office in a completely bumfuzzled state.

I sat in the Slytherin common room with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. Well, I was actually laying down not sitting. Draco sat at the end of the couch resting his arm on the end. I was using his lap as a pillow and staring up at him as he spoke to the other two boys. Watching him made that memory come back. Things were actually going well with him and I was surprised. I never thought I would or could have feelings for him in such a way but now I think I do. I was happy with my best friend being the man I was going to marry one day. That seemed like an okay situation to me.

"Did you see Longbottom almost fall on his arse just from those Beauxbatons Academy girls looking at him. It was priceless!" Draco laughed at his memory. For some reason I didn't like when he spoke ill of Neville. He was a good and kind hearted guy. I had spoken to him a few times in class over the years so I actually liked him as a person. Draco on the other hand, thought he was a waste of magical space. "Why do you always talk about Neville in that way?" I asked as I played with the hem of his sleeve. "Because he is a complete idiot who doesn't know his right from his left especially if a girl is around." Draco laughed again as his fingers found their way into my hair. I didn't say anything else as I laid there. I just peacefully enjoyed the feeling of him running his fingers through my hair.

A few days later in potions class Professor Snape was assigning us partners for some big project. "Dright and Longbottom" he said making Draco growl slightly and Neville nervously glance back at me. I gathered my books and other materials and started towards Neville. Draco grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. He didn't give me a chance to speak before he aggressively pressed his lips against mine. There was no doubt in my mind that he was sending a message to Neville. After he let me go I became a little light headed but shook it off as I made my way over to my potions partner. "He's not going to kill me is he?" Neville asked worriedly once I sat my books down. I couldn't help but laugh. I looked up at him to see that he was completely serious and actually looked terrified as he glanced over to Draco. "No, Neville, he won't kill you. I would never let him do that." I said reassuringly. He smiled slightly and said "good." I couldn't help but smile at him. He is kind of cute when he does that. I thought to myself which made me stop for a minute. Did I really just say that? I asked myself then looked over to Neville. He was taking notes out of his book and biting his lip. I snapped my eyes away from him and stared at my unopened book. Yep, I totally just said that. Class went by quickly as Snape told us about the project and what needs to be done. We were to make our own remedy to some kind of everyday illness. It seemed easy enough.

"Abigail," Neville said as I turned to walk out of class. "Please call me Abby" I said with a smile as I turned back to face him. He was biting his lip again. "Sorry, Abby, um, wh-where would y-you like to meet?" He asked stumbling over some of his words. He glanced behind me and I knew that Draco was standing a few feet away watching us. "How about the library? Around 7 tonight?" I asked making his eyes snap back to mine. "Yea sounds great" he gave me a small smile before turning to gather his stuff from the desk. I walked away and met Draco at the door. I ended up having Herbology with Neville as well and luckily Draco wasn't in this class. I decided to stand next to Neville as The Professor went over what we were going to be doing today. Once again we were to be paired but this time we were allowed to pick our partners. "Would you like to team up on this?" I turned to face Neville as I spoke. "R-really? You want to be my partner?" He asked then bit his lip again as he waited for my answer. That has to be a nervous quirk. I thought to myself. "Yes" was all I said with a smile. He nodded and we both immediately got to work.

Once class ended we turned in our work and then went back to gather our things. "You are really good at this stuff." I said as I packed my books in my bag. "Thanks, I'm actually thinking about becoming a Herbology professor after I'm done with school." Neville said with a proud smile. "I'm sure you'd be the best teacher. Actually, I've never been very good with this stuff. Would you mind tutoring me?" I asked with a hopeful look in my eyes. He looked at me after gathering all his materials. He laughed a bit then nodded. Damn, that laugh was cute. "I will gladly help you as long as your sure about it." He said with a smile. I gave him my own side smile that I think is one of my best physical qualities. "I'm sure" I said then bit my lip the way he does. I watched as his eyes flickered to my lips then back up to my eyes. I smiled triumphantly. I grabbed my bag as I turned to leave I glanced over my shoulder to look at Neville again. "I'll see you at 7." I turned back around and headed to my next class.

After my classes ended I went to the great hall for dinner. I sat in my usual seat next to Draco and ignored most of what was going on around me. "I heard Neville is in your Herbology class." Draco said as he glanced at me. "Yea, he is really good at it too. He is gonna tutor me since I never do very well in there." I said mindlessly as I ate my food. "Excuse me?" Draco asked making me look up at him. He looked like he didn't believe a word I just said. "Neville is going to tutor me so I can make better marks in Herbology." I repeated watching him go from confused to angry. "He is going to develop a crush on you and I'm gonna have to take care of him." Draco looked over to the Gryffindor table where Neville sat with his friends. "Oh please Draco that will never happen." I said in disbelief. It's me you need to worry about. I shook the thought out of my head and returned to my food.

I spent the rest of my free time with Draco in the Slytherin common room. He seemed to have gotten over Neville tutoring me. We sat on the couch like we normally did. I was using his lap as a pillow again as he played with my hair. I glanced at the clock then sat up making Draco look at me quizzically. "I have to meet Neville in the library." I said as I gathered my bag from the floor. Draco groaned and stood from his seat. I stood to face him and softly pressed my lips to his. When I tried to pull away he grabbed my arms and pulled me closer to him. He deepened the kiss making me grab hold of his shirt. When he pulled away he looked me in the eyes and said "you're mine, don't forget that." Then I turned and left to meet Neville.

I found him sitting at a table in the middle of the room with a pile of books next to him. I dropped my bag on the floor and sat in the seat across from him. "Sorry I'm late, Draco held me up." I smiled at him and grabbed one of the books from the pile to see what it was. "I was looking over some of our options for illnesses." Neville said as he watched me look at each book. "What do you think we should do?" I asked him as I sat the last book down. "I'm not sure yet. Possibly a cold or allergies." He said flipping through the book in front of him. "I like allergies" I said smiling at him. He gave me a small smile in return and nodded. "Allergies it is then" he closed the book in front of him and grab one from the pile I made.


**Neville is just too darn cute! I love him! ❤️❤️

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