Comincia dall'inizio

"Yeah, I was gonna ask that."

"This is coming together pretty quick."

"Yep, thank god."
First, we went to Maria's place to get a gown. It was a maroon backless tube dress, curving her curves. She looked stunning as ever. Then we got to our house and got Paxon's suit and tie. It's a suede navy blue one with a black polo shirt and tie.

Together, they looked odd and I liked it. I also got Paxon a gold chain, black square pocket, and Maria a golden necklace.


I set up my hard guitar case and strapped on my gibson acoustic, maple wood and sitka spruce, and an indian rosewood neck. It's a custom with nylon strings.

I sang Rich Youth first, while Rowan filmed. Right after, I sent them ti get a permit to film while I sang a series of Ed Sheeran songs. I got more or less, fifty bucks until they came back with the permit to film for maximum of two days.

When it reached 11:30, I was singing a Bloom by Paper Kites when somebody came up to me.

"Are you Dani Lovato from the X- Factor?"

"Yep, das me." Yes, I say that's as das.

"Oh my god, I am obsessed with you!"

"Aww, thanks! What's your name?"


"Hey, Mica! Thanks for the support!"

"Can I have like an autograph... And a selfie and a follow?"

"Sure, you have a pen and paper somewhere?"

"Yeah, oh my gosh. I always dreamt of meeting celebrities in LA so I always bring some." She pulled out a planner, and opend on a random page.

"What do you want me to write?"

"You decide."

So I did. 'Micah, maybe you'll keep on meeting celebrities here in LA :)' then I signed my name which looks like a D over lapping with an s then a line across the d and the s connecting to an o.

Before it was Dani Lovato or Dani Hart, then 'Dani Loto' then 'DaLoto' or sometimes 'Dalto' then now it's just 'DLto'

We took a few pictures and before she left, she dropped me fifty dollar bill.

By the end of the day, I've met about seven supporters, more or less a dozen people filmed me, and a total of $556.70.

They've already shot the footage for Maria and Paxon that I needed, just a few more where they're literally swimming in money. And I never really realized how much rich kids there are in LA until I saw how many footage Rowan has.

The next day was pretty much the same, except I kinda had a mini concert because there was so much people who heared I was there. I earned $1012.90.

So I have the $500.00 from X-Factor, and a total of 1,569.60 bucks. I gave them each fifty bucks as a payment for everything they've done which I deducted from the X-Factor, and we bought a shit ton of play money worth 10 bucks from the dollar store. It was 20 pack all in all, we had 3 hours until lights off so we went to the siblings' house. It was a fair mansion and they had this glorious bathroom like the old time and this bath tub standing in the middle.

Their parents knows me and let us in.
Maria was on the other side, and Paxon on the other. We filled the tub with with half the play money and we gave Paxon a pipe and Maria an old- fashioned fan like the ones in the Philippines. While filming, Raina and I rained down and threw money in their direction.

Early in the morning, Naya caught up to me. We were recording today and they were helping me pack my amplifier, guitar, bass, and other things.

"How's it going?"

"It's great. We've been filming for the last two days, I'm recording today and Raina will edit tomorrow..."

"You really do work fast."

"Well, I hate cramming."

"Yeah. I heard you've been singing on the streets in LA?"

"Yeah, footage... And cash."

"How much have you earned?"

"A lot." Paxon answered. He was holding the cymbals and on one hand, the snare.

"That is true." Raina says

"Yes, I will pay you." I say. "So, am I in trouble?"

"No... Just checking up on you.  And, I'm gonna need to hear you recording."

"Oh, sure. Yeah, I know."

"Okay that's all. Keep it up Dani." She smiles and we walk away from each other.

"So, what are the rates?" I ask Paxon as I jump in.

"Well since you have you own instrument... It's 15 per hour and if you're gonna ask them to layer and fix and edit and everything else, plus 10 bucks."

"Nah, I can have Martin do that."


"Our sound engineer. He does all that."

The place was huge and decent. The guy who owns the place, Myke Charles was a previous contestant from The Sing-Off in ABC. The reason why his rates are so low is because he wants to help starting musicians make it.

"Hey, I know you." He says to Dani.

"I know you! Myke Charles! Urban Method, right?"

"I was... Yeah. So, you brought your stuff."

"Yeah, I'm thingking of recording vocals first, then all the other stuff."

"You gonna play them all or this your band?"

"Oh, no. We don't have an inch of musical talent in us." Raina says.

"Anyway, I can't waste the time or the money, so can we start now?"

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