Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

“It’s not as bad as it sounds Sarah. Basically it means we’ll record like we would with a normal artist, but rather than begin any promotional stuff to try and put you out there, we’re going to hold off and work on your confidence issues.”

“Oh” I frowned, embarrassed my low confidence issues were that evident.

“We’ve printed a contract; you’ll want to have an attorney look at it. It states all the clauses, the advance we’ve set aside for you and what we will do for you as your record company.” Dj handed me the contract and I let the heavy stack of paper sit idly on my thighs. The real world was sneaking up on me, and I had to make a real world decision.

“Let me just say, that we think you’re going to be something amazing Sarah, and we’re willing to do anything to have you.” Carly added

I sat there, waiting to wake up from this dream. It didn’t happen though. This was real.

I flicked open the contract and began reading over it. The seclusion clause was slightly bigger than DJ had mentioned. I’d need to move in to one of the record labels apartments for the entire seclusion period. I frowned at the realisation, that if I took this opportunity I’d be saying goodbye to the friends I’d only just made. They planned to pay me a $2,000,000 advance if I signed. More money than I’d ever know what to do with, without any guarantees that they’d get it back.

After the meeting finished I somehow made it home in a complete daze. It was later than I expected because when the bus stopped outside, Marc’s car was already back in the driveway. I walked along the path, up the driveway and in to the house. Janie and Marc sat at the table giggling and holding hands.

“Sarah! You’re home!” She leapt up and skipped across the floor to me. Like an over excited puppy she jumped up and down as she noted the exceptionally large envelope that I held snug to my chest.

“Is that a…?” She asked without asking.

“Yes. It’s a contract. I need to find a lawyer to look over it.” I groaned

“Can I look?”

I nodded and handed the heavy envelope over. Exhausted, I trudged in to the lounge and threw myself at the couch. It took less than a minute for Janie to find the advance amount. She almost screamed so high pitched and loud that I was surprised the windows didn’t smash from the pressure.

“2 mil! They’re going to pay you 2 freaking mil!”

“Wow, that’s amazing” Marc added, excitedly.

“Read the rest” I urged, still unsure about the whole seclusion thing. I was already cut off from Nick, the idea of being cut off from my new friends made me feel a little down.

It didn’t take her long to mention the seclusion thing sucking, but she also mentioned that it was only 6 months and the whole opportunity was once in a life time type of stuff.

“I guess I need to find a lawyer” I grumbled relaxing my head against a couch cushion.

“Nick knows a few. Call him?” Janie suggested walked over to the couch, placing the contract in front of me on the coffee table.

I didn’t want to speak to Nick, besides; I’d deleted his number from my phone.

At that moment, my phone rung and without thinking I answered it. Of course, given that minimal people had my new number I should have realised it was Nick. His uncanny timing yet again reared its ugly head.

“I heard the meeting went well.”

“Why are you calling?”

“DJ mentioned you need a lawyer for the contract. He feels you’re a little overwhelmed and asked me to find someone to take a look over it for you. I’ve arranged for one of my attorneys to visit with you tomorrow”

“Oh, thank you. Honestly I really appreciate it” I replied

“It’s no big thing.”

For a minute there was silence, I didn’t want to speak for fear that I would say something wrong, that I would plead for him to just be with me. After all was said and done, now really wasn’t the best time.

 “Sarah, I wanted to apologise for how I acted last night.”

“You were speaking out about how you felt. I don’t think you should ever apologise for being honest, unless of course you’re being a moron”

“I was being a little bit of a moron Sarah, I was telling you how you feel, not just how I feel.”

I frowned and stood up, what I had to say next I had to say alone, without ears listening. I walked down the hallway to my bedroom and gently closed the door behind me.

“I can’t keep going around this roller coaster with you Nick. I don’t know what way is up and what way is down anymore. What you said last night wasn’t that far off the truth. You and me were just not ready for each other.”

“I know. I’ll talk to you sometime alright.” Nick mumbled, his voice pained.

“Goodbye nick”

I disconnected the call, and cleared the call log. Then closed my eyes and ignored the lyrics of the song I’d sung only a few hours ago and cried. 


There we go, not completely happy with this, but I promised an update. I am tired now, so off to bed before I have to go to work tomorrow morning.

I will start doing more Nick POV's now that they are "seperated" and will be for a little while. ****spoiler alert***** oops lol

Anyway, thanks for reading, I am truly amazed by all you lovely people commenting and voting and just being so kind. Sorry if I don't reply to everyone, I am just super busy all the time and when I get a chance to sit down I want to write while I have the chance and while my eyes still managed to stay open. :)

Until next update.


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