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One day when i was in 7th grade i met this girl named *AHEM* i know her since we are still in 1st grade . I don't know what's happening to me that i'm actually falling inlove with her :D

One friday night when we are texting she texted me like 

"HEY ! , Do you know i'm </3 "

Then i'm texting her all night just to comfort her 

then i said to her 

"Can i court you next week ? , Cuz' you just broke up with your boyfriend and it will not be right if i court you right now "

then she said " OKAY . "

On the next day me and my friends go to school . I attended baseball practice , After the practice we all go to the mall and go to an arcade , bowling alley , etc . 

Then she texted me 

"Me and ... are now in a relationship "

Then i replied " OKAY . CONGRATS "

that day my heart just broke up ! like uggggh !! craaack ! xDD haha !

My own bestfriend just courted my crush ! -.-

me and my friends are so happy playing all day but when i got home i locked up in my room and cry 


Then when the classes resumed , When we are attending the flag ceremony , My friend said sorry to me , and i just said " Oh its alright :D "

but deep inside me its not .

one day when we are bored in our classroom my friend just cut his hand using the electricfan ! , we are pannicing ! :D but its still fun .

When me and my friends got in the clinic my crush is approaching .

i just snobbed her but when my friend got out in the clinic my friend just 

put his arm over the shoulder of my crush ! 

when we are walking this is our position


:::::::                         :                                                    .

I am so jealous of them ! , but they just lasted for 4 days :(

i feel sad for my friend .

When they broke up i asked her again if i can still court her ?

She said to me 

"I'm sorry but , i don't want to have relationships anymorre . "

"Let's just be friends "

that night i don't know what to do so 

i drink all night and play video games to ease the pain ! :)

after our weekend 

i am now so ashamed to talk to her 

because i really think its AWKWARDDDD

But its okay . Even though if we are only friends i still love her with all my heart :D


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2013 ⏰

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