" What else have you kept from me ?"

" I'm not going to say because of the fact that it's your destiny to find out in other ways."

" I don't want to live my life anymore." I said and she looked shocked.

" What ?!"

" I'm tired of putting my friends in danger. I'm tried of hurting people. Mom, look what I did. I'm more powerful then anyone here." I cried and she shook her hands in the air.

" You don't-"

" Yes I do. I killed Killian's men, I hurt my friends feeling when I got shot, I hurted my Dad when I would stay up every day and be a brat to him, I hurted Steve when I told him to stay away when he was protecting me, I hurted so many people I can't even count."

" It's your choice Daniella. You can close your eyes and go to the afterlife or back into the real world. It's your choice." She said and I looked down at the ER room.

*** 1 day later ***

I was standing in my hospital room watching myself in a coma. Apparently Bruce said I lived through the stab wound. It was now my bodies turn if I wanted to wake up or not. A hand went on my shoulder and I looked at my mom.

" You can't change my mind."

" I know dear, but I want you to think about it."

" Why didn't you stay ? Why did you leave me ?"

" I didn't have a choice. When I died, I died. If I did have a choice, I would of stayed with you because I knew how much you loved me. These people love you too, Daniella." She said kissing my forehead and left as the door opened.

In came Nat smiling a bit. She walked over and sat on the bed looking at me sadly. I could tell she had been crying for a while.

" Hey Sis. How are you in there ? I miss you a lot. It's weird without you these past days. I mean ever since Nero got you. I miss your smile and the face you make when you see Steve. It's a funny face. I know you like him and he likes you. I wish I had something like that. Anyway if your asking, Steve's fine. He just hasn't talk since he stabbed you. Hasn't said one word. I bet he'll be fine when you wake up." She said and looked at me, with tears falling down her cheek." I know you'll wake up. You need to wake up. I miss you. I just want my sister back. I can't live without you. Just...please wake up."

" I'm sorry Nat. This is my choice." I said even though she couldn't hear me." I can't have you crying over me anymore. Who knows how many times you will."

***Later ***

I then stared at myself. Nat did great on my makeup while she was here. She always did. I looked normal except the scratch on my cheek and the bruise on my chin. The door opened and in came Clint, who was crying .

" Clint what's wrong ?" I said, but felt stupid since he couldn't here me. He sat in the chair and held my hand.

" Daniella I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I was so mean to you. Sure I must of been annoying, but I really care about you. Your like a little sister to me. Your funny and great to talk to. I miss the way you used to play video games and eat pizza. I brought a new game that we can play. It's Garden Warfare. I can't wait to play it with you when you wake up. Please wake up."

" Play it with Nat. I'm sure she'll like it. I can't play cause I'm not coming back. I'll miss you Clint." I said and wiped a tear from my face.

**Later **

I heard the door open and looked to see Bruce come in. Clint nodded getting up and walking out the door. I guess it was now Bruce's turn to watch me. Bruce sat in the chair and rubbed the back of his head. I knew he only did that when he was stressed.

Forever By Your Side: Steve Rogers Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now