The Day it all Began

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The Day it all began


Things never go the way you expect them to.

That's both the joy and frustration in life.

I'm finding as I get older that I don't mind, though.

It's the surprises that tickle me the most,

The things you don't see coming.

~Michael Stuhlbarg


Abruptly, I awoke from my deep slumber to the sound of my alarm clock ringing its annoying tune. Groggily, I clicked the snooze button and removed the covers from my body, hissing at the cold that quickly took the place of the warmth. It was currently five thirty in the morning and I had gotten roughly five and a half hours of sleep. Oh the joy. Already, I knew I'd probably have a hard time staying awake throughout all my classes that day. Especially my morning classes. Now, those were going to be tough.

Sighing, I placed my feet on the hard wood flooring of my dorm and walked to my closet, where I picked out my uniform and undergarments before promptly heading to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Fortunately, a nice school meant nice bathrooms and I didn't have to worry about stepping on a roach as I entered the nice, clean bathrooms, one of the only areas I actually kept clean in my dorm room.

After taking about thirty minutes to shower, I found myself on my bed trying to decide which overly-large book I should take to school with me. I was debating between The Host and the last book in the Heroes of Olympus Series, Blood of Olympus. Right then, I was leaning more towards the book by the great author Rick Riordan. After a few quick seconds, I picked up the book, Blood of Olympus, and tucked it into my satchel. I then slipped on my usual footwear: my Mary Jane's. Afterwards, I waltzed out the door with my room keys, school bag, and Blackberry in tow.

My high pony tail swung vigorously back and forth as I walked down the hall and down the stairs. Awkwardly, I watched as tons of girls milled around the lounge, some chatting with friends, others trying to make up lost time on their homework. Some girls were passed out on the couches, next to them a glass of water and an Advil. Looks like some people had a little too much fun yesterday. I thought to myself. And to think, the day before was just Monday. We weren't even half way into the week and already people were sporting hangovers. Man, the nerve of some people. Who gets drunk a day into the week?

Inwardly rolling my eyes, I exited the building and began my walk to school, deciding to skip breakfast since I was never one to eat it anyway. Come to think of it, I wasn't sure I had eaten the day before, either. Rather thoughtlessly, I walked along the sidewalk, humming a random tune I had overheard one of the girls listening to on their Apple phones. Freak, the song wasn't even good. Plus, I didn't even know the words. Don't you just love getting songs you hate and don't know the words to, stuck in your head for hours on end? Unbeknownst to myself, a large body mass had appeared a few feet in front of me, from nowhere.

Seconds later, I ran smack dab into the back of a being, ultimately wounding up disheveled on the concrete sidewalk, my satchel somehow managing to connect harshly with my face. Rubbing my nose, I muttered, "When in the world did they put a wall there, and why?"

I heard a masculine chuckle, and whipped my head up to find the culprit. And imagine my surprise when my eyes met the sea blue ones of Dakota-freaking-Black. "Not sure if what you hit was a wall, but I'd gladly do you against one." Came his cocky comment paired with an equally as cocky smirk.

I rolled my eyes, moving to a standing position. "Okay, rule number one, no more of those comments. I'd like to keep my mind innocent and pure, thank you very much." I mumbled, shouldering my bag.

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