Preference 1: You Self Harm

Start from the beginning

"Y/n what's wrong? Are you ok?" You heard your older brother says outside the door. Shit.

"Umm ya, just slipped". You say with a shaky voice, a voice that doesn't even convince you.

"I can smell smoke. I swear to good if your smoki-" Harry says while unlocking the door with a spare key. He pretty much tackled you to get the lighter from you. You held it in your hand tightly.

"Y/n let go right now" Harry yelled at you. You didn't budge. He pried your hand open until the lighter landed on the ground. He stomped on it and broke it into many pieces. He then yanked you off the ground forcefully.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF Y/N" Harry yelled, screamed, at you. You hid in fear as Harry reached for your arm. He stared at all the marks, rubbing his fingers on them, you wincing from the soreness. He turned on with water and put your arm under it, not saying anything to you. When he was done, he put bandages on all the burns. After that he picked you up and carried you to his room where he cradled you in his chest. Rocking you back and forth while you sobbed.

"Shhh baby shhh Harry's sorry, I just got scared. I wanna know why my angel is hurting herself. C'mon, tell hazza why your hurting yourself".

You explained about your bullies and your "friends".

"Shhh it's ok baby, I'm here ok and I'll make sure you get better ok. No more hurting yourself" Harry whispered to you.

"I can't stop." You barely whispered.

"But your going to, whether you want to or not" he said, kissing your head.

After that night with Harry, he wouldn't let you near the stove, you couldn't wear anything metal, incase you found a heat source or be in the bathroom alone. The whole bathroom thing you and him compromised on. He sat in there while you showered and constantly checked the heat of the water. Other times he waited outside the bathroom and listened to see if he could hear you start a lighter. He would do nightly body checks of you to make sure you weren't hurting yourself in any other way. This whole thing is new for you, not being your own person anymore. But you know, deep inside, he does it cause he cares and you'll get better one day.

Zayn (17) - Life everyday was hard for you, you werent happy at all. You didnt know why. You aren't sure what caused this. You had great friends, great family, you got hate but not a lot. You just didnt feel, thats the best way you could explain. You only wanted to feel. You only felt empty. A feeling of nothing.

You couldnt tell anyone, you wanted to, but you couldnt. You knew what would happen, just be happy, watch a funny movie, you are crazy, go to a therapist. You could manage on your own, or so you thought.

You saw on tumblr about people who cut themselves, said it made you feel, in control of pain, that they deserved it. You figured, why not, give it a shot, whats the worst that could happen? Well the worst that could happen, did happen. You liked it.

For once, once in a long while, you could feel. You felt pain, you felt sadness, but you felt. It brought you what you thought was 'happiness'. You felt saved, and boy, you felt better.

You were always careful to clean up your tracks, all the blood and blades. But sometimes, you were careless, forgetting to pick your blade or leaving some blood, but for the most part, you were careful.

One day, when you got done cutting yourself, you heard your cell ring. Being home alone, you just ran to pick it up, figuring no one was home, and you could clean it all up when you were done.

It was your bestie, calling to fill you in about the new cutie in her spanish class, you were there at least 25 minutes before you heard the front door open.

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