The Fall

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"Please, don't do this. Take me instead!" I yell. She looks over at me, then drops Albus on the ground.
"Okay." She points her wand at me. "Avada Kedavra!"
One day earlier...
"We have a problem!" Albus shouts, ripping open my curtains. I squirm in my bed, trying to regain the warmth I had earlier. "Scorpius...this is an emergency." I look at him, noticing his serious look. I jump out of bed.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt? Are you dying? Oh, Merlin. Don't tell me you're dying."
"Scorpius, I'm fine. This is about the Augury."
"W-what?" Flashbacks of what happened last year race through my mind. I shiver.
"Ever since the whole arrangement happened, there's been people who have started to...follow her. Most of them have been taken care of, except for one of them."
"And that is...?"
"Luciana Duke." He holds up a photo of a woman with short, black hair with white streaks. She has a scar running down her face, making her look even more vicious. Her piercing violet eyes bore into mine. She gives me a little wink. Albus puts the photo away.
"Why is this an emergency?"
"She wants to kill us."
"So basically, we can't leave Hogwarts, not even to go outside."
"And I'm not letting you out of my sight."
"And, I'm gonna kiss you."
Scorpius and I decide to stay in the Slytherin Commons as long as possible. Sunday's are usually easy for us, and we spend the time studying, cuddling, talking.
"Okay, your turn." I say, poking his leg.
"Hm...okay...would you rather...go on a date with Polly Chapman, or-"
"The other one! The other one!" I cry.
"Hey, I heard that, dimwit!" Polly calls from across the room.
"Good!" I yell back. "Okay, Scorp. Keep going."
"Or...have to use a time turner again." He grins, knowing what I'm going to have to say.
"I can't believe you're making me say this." I scowl.
"Hey," he shrugs. "It's just a game. Polly! Listen to this!"
"No! Don't!"
"Say it, Potter." Scorpius leans in. "Do it."
I sigh. "Fine. I would rather go on a date with Polly Chapman than use a time turner again." Polly turns bright red and runs out of the room.
"Looks like someone's got a crush!" Scorpius teases.
"Please, she knows I'm all yours." I kiss his cheek. Polly runs back in.
"Headmistress McGonagall wants to see you..." She mumbles without making eye contact. Scorp and I exchange looks. "Go!" Polly screams. We jump up, startled.
"We better go." I shrug.
"Please...take a seat." McGonagall gestures to the chairs in front of her.
"What was it you wanted to talk to us about, Headmistress?" Albus asks.
"It's about Ms. Duke. We' you to know that she', been taken care of.
"Oh! That's great!" I exclaim. McGonagall smiles.
"Yes...very much so..." I take notice of how nervous she's acting. Almost as if she's hiding something. She blinks a few times, and that's when I notice it: her eyes. They're not the soft green McGonagall always has. They're violet. Just like...
"Luciana." Albus whispers. I give a slight nod.
"Well, we should, um, go..." I say.
"Very well. Off you go, then." Luciana gives a wave of her hand.
"Boys?" I gulp, and turn.
"Yes, Lu-I mean, Headmistress?"
"Could you shut the door?"
"O-oh, of c-course." I rush to the door, creaking it shut.
"What are we going to do?" I ask as soon as we step outside.
"I don't know...we'll have to wait it out.
"Lights out!" A professor calls to us. We gulp and run back to our rooms. It's hard to sleep knowing you could die any minute...
A few hours later, a dove sings, letting us know that it's dawn. I hear a muffled shout, and I instantly know who it is. Albus! I jump out of bed and pull the curtains open a crack. There she is: Luciana Duke. Her wand is pressed against against Albus's temple. She forces him out of the room. I grab our wands and run after them. I follow them all the way to the garden...our garden.
"Alright," Luciana says. "Let's get this over with. Avada Ke-"
"Wait!" I run up to them.
"You!" Luciana grins. "The boyfriend."
"Please, don't do this. Take me instead!" I yell. She looks over at me, then drops Albus on the ground.
"Okay." She points her wand at me. "Avada Kedavra!"
The blow hits me like a knife. I fall backwards onto a patch of tulips. Albus cries out. I raise my hand slightly and point to his wand on the ground. He grabs it.
"And now for you." Luciana grins crazily.
"I don't think so. Expelliarmus!" Luciana gasps in surprise as her wand flies into the bushes. I hear footsteps and see that the real McGonagall has come to us. She shouts a series of spells, one after one hitting Luciana. She falls to the ground.
"Albus, you take care of Scorpius, I'll finish Ms. Drake." She calls. Albus nods and runs to me.
"How are you still alive?" He whispers.
"I won't be for long." I breath.
"Don't say that," He sniffs. "You're going to be fine."
"Y-yes?" His eyes fill up with tears.
" you." I smile up at him, and the world goes black.
"No, Scorpius. Wake up, please! Oh Merlin, Scorpius. Please." I shake him over and over, but nothing happens. I sob, picking up his limp body and carrying it to the Hospital Wing.
"Please," I tell Madame Pomfrey. "Make him wake up. I beg you." A student nurse grabs me and pulls me away. I reach out to Scorpius.
"Make him wake up!"
Why do I existtttttt

I'm sorry, guys.

Lol just kidding

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