The Date

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"Guess who's the best boyfriend in the world?" Scorpius runs up from behind me and kisses my cheek.
"Me." I laugh.
"Well, I am too because guess what I just did?"
"Get me an Outstanding on all my OWLS?"
"Be serious!" He lightly punches my shoulder.
"Fine, what did you do?" I turn to face him.
"I convinced Headmistress Mcgonagall to let us go to Hogsmeade for a day!" He jumps up and down excitedly.
"What? How?" I ask. He looks down, embarrassed. "Did you tell her?"
"If I wasn't dating you, you'd be hexed on the ground right now." I roll my eyes.
"I had to! She wouldn't have let us go if I hadn't told her!"
"I thought we hated Hogsmeade."
"Maybe that'll change after this year..."
"So, what do you have planned?" I raise my eyebrows.
"Like I would tell you!"
"I have nothing planned. I'm a terrible...friend. There's so much to do at Hogsmeade, how am I going to choose?" I sigh, laying on a couch. Rose shakes her head.
"You're overthinking this, Sourdough." She smiles at the new nickname she created for me. "Just lay back, have fun."
"How? We're just going to be walking in circles trying to figure out what to do."
"Well, don't spend too much time with him. You still owe me that date you've been trying to get all these years." I bolt straight up. Is she serious? Merlin's beard, she's actually serious. Oh do I tell her this?
"'s been five years..."
"I'm...I'm..." I take a deep breath. "I'm not interested anymore." Rose laughs, causing the librarian to glare at her. She mouths an apology.
"Good one, Sourdough. Come on, let's grab a butter beer, and actually get to know each other!" She reaches for my hand. I jerk it back. Her eyes widen. "Oh my god, you're not kidding." I shake my head.
"After five years, you really thought I'd keep trying?" Her eyes well up with tears. She blinks them back and gulps.
"Rose..." She takes a breath.
"Right, friends it is." I nod. She suddenly pulls out her wand and presses it against my temple. "You tell anyone this happened, you're going to be hexed everyday for the rest of your life. Got it?"
"Yeah, yeah. Try me." The next thing I know, I'm soaking wet.
"You had to use Aguamenti?" I glare at her. She walks away laughing and I leave to go change into dry clothes.
Where is he? He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago. Did he stand me up? No, he wouldn't do that...
I wait for about ten more minutes. I turn to leave when I'm face to face with my adorable boyfriend. He's wearing a suit, a bow tie, and he's holding a heart shaped box of chocolates. "Sorry I'm late." He says softly. "Are you ready to go?"
And on that evening, with the snow falling lightly, and the lamp lights glistening, I had the best date of my life.
I'm super stressed out right now, so you know what makes me feel better? WRITING THIS FOR YOU ALL.

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