The Reveal

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"You're cute when you're embarrassed." I say, tapping his nose.
"It's not like I wanted to knock over the keg of butterbeer." Scorp blushes. walking outside, not really towards anything. Just in circles. I kiss the top of his head. He smiles, and squeezes my hand. After spilling the butterbeer on his suit, he had changed into a sweater and jeans, which looks amazing on him. I notice he's shivering, so I share my coat with him.
"You're just doing this so I'll cuddle with you." Scorpius accuses.
"That, and I don't want you getting hypothermia." We sit down on a snowy park bench. Scorp points to his cheek. I lean in, and at the last moment, he turns. Our lips touch lightly. He smiles, and I smile back.
"Ha! I told you, Potter! That's twenty galleons, thank you very much!"
Scorp and I pull apart and turn to where the voice was coming from. There, hiding in the bushes with muggle binoculars, were our fathers.
"Dad!" I shout angrily. They step out of the bushes.
"Damnit, Malfoy. This is your fault." He hands over the money and they grin sheepishly.
"You were watching us?" I cross my arms.
"More importantly, you bet on us?"
"Well..." Draco shrugs. "Yeah, we did. And I won!" They give us a wave and Apparate somewhere else. Scorp and I are quiet for a second, then burst out laughing.
"Well, no point in hiding it now." I say. He kisses my cheek. "We should probably get going, we don't want to be out too late." I look at the darkening sky.
"Okay, but can we go to Honeydukes?" He pleads.
"Only for you." He grabs my hand and we race to the sweetshop, my heart full of love and joy.
Here's a short but sweet chapter for you guys.
Also, just like my Undertale Fanfiction, I will be ending this story very soon. Just a heads up. Thanks for all the support! I love you all.

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