"Now, as I am no longer feeling the anger. I want all of you to change the positions and move back. I will not allow any mistake to sabotage this mission." I said in my ordering tone.

"He will never know about us as you are around him. Anyway, we got instructions to not let you stay with him alone without our supervision." He replied making my blood boil.

"Does he think I can't protect myself?" I asked and he sighed.

"Maybe he doesn't think a girl shouldn't stay with a guy?" he offered and I heard too many chuckles from the ear studs.

"Come on, Kevin! What century you are living in?" I asked, smirking to myself and then stiffened.

"Whom are you talking to?" I heard his voice and felt everyone go silent through my ear studs.

"Well, as it seems I can't meet my simon right this moment and as I am missing him. I am talking with him like this as I can feel his presence around me." I said with awkward face expressions, feeling stupid to even say those words but thank to god my back is to him.

"Really?" he asked and then I felt his presence behind him.

I thought to turn and step away, but then within the next second I felt his body pressing into mine.

"Can Simon hear you like this?" he whispered in my ear and I feared that he will recognize the devices in my ear studs.

"You mister! You shouldn't be that close to me. What will anyone think?" I asked blabbering whatever came into my head and stepped forward before turning around keeping a distance between us.

"What century you are living in, Miss?" he asked back mockingly and I immediately heard not just a few but a lot of snickers from the devices.

They will be dead when I get my hold on them! I thought, fuming in my head but kept an innocent expression and decided that this is the time to stress my eyes more to give out the tears.

"I know I seem pathetic to you. But I already belong to Simon and will never allow someone to get even a little close to me." I said between my sobs.

"Excuse me! I am not hitting on you. As if I would even do it." He said, scoffing and I scoffed to myself inside my head.

"Good! I know you would want someone of your age who will be nice to your age and not someone of my age." I said and immediately bit my tongue.

"How do you know my age?" he asked with suspicious looks.

"Well, I have eyes and I can estimate. You must be some forty, maybe." I replied, shrugging and rubbed my cheeks to remove the tear stains.

"No! I am thirty two." He said with a face which seemed to be ready to burst into flames.

"Oh! You are eight years elder to me?" I asked and he shrugged looking around.

"Eight years!" I repeated and that got his attention.

"Why are you saying that time so many times?" he asked with narrowed eyes.

"I am just shocked that there is only eight years difference between us. Why? What did I do now?" I asked, frowning at him and he immediately turned around making it possible for me to smirk.

Oh! I know what you are thinking with the repeatedly saying of the years like that, Mr.Andrew. Trust me, that I will not let you forget it.

"Here! Help me to put up a fire." He called without turning back.

"Fire? But it is just morning and seems to be near to afternoon. Then why do we need fire?" I asked him along with looking around hoping that they are really careful near their hiding positions.

"Don't you want some tasty food?" he asked in a mocking tone and I narrowed my eyes at him and immediately gave a hurt expression when he turned around.

"I am just feeling tired and annoyed. Don't mind my words." He added, staring at my face.

I sniffed and nodded before doing what he asked me to do by bringing the twigs from as many places as can I see.

"You have matchbox? I thought we would have to start the fire with stones." I said, giving him my best expression like it is a wonderful thing.

"Of course I have match box. Didn't you see the hut with maximum all things?" he asked with irritated and frowning expression.

Great! I shouldn't be too innocent with him too. I nodded, not having the power to think of anything else and he slowly brought a small baggage with a few fishes.

"They will not be raw right?" I asked with a genuine disgusting expression.

"No! Now just help me to fry them so that they will not be raw." He said passing a few to me and he started doing the process while I copied him.

The one he was getting ready and I can smell it which seems to be not bad. And then my stomach started grumbling, making me think he will offer that as he too heard it.

However, he kept that aside and started burning the other one making me remember he is a military guy who will do a work systematically.

"We are hungry, Lily." Kevin suddenly said when I was busy with burning my fish.

"Die!" I said, hissing and realized my mistake when I felt Andrew's eyes on me.

"What?" he asked, frowning.

"I am just asking the fish to die." I replied with a small smile and ignored the snickers again.

"You are crazy and must be the effect of hunger. DO the work fast and we can eat it." He ordered while I slowly nodded.

Great! And Victor thinks this guy is completely out of military with it out of his system while I can see it in every word he utters and every action he does.

"Now, eat it." He said sharing the food as we sat on the log near the fire.

I just stopped myself from saying 'Yes boss' and just nodded before taking a bite from the fish which made my eyes widen with surprise.

"They are tasty." I said in a surprised tone.

"What did you think they would be? Like I told you this is your tasty food, but you have to eat the boiled vegetables for dinner." He as usual ordered but I just stared at him.

"Thank you!" I said with a genuine smile and he seems surprised with it.

And then he continued to stare at my face until I broke the eye contact before diving in the fish literally.

"My Simon is a great cook too." I uttered the words and heard his grunt which made me hide my grin.

This is going to be so interesting mission! I thought to myself and enjoyed the fish completely blocking out any other thoughts for the time being.


hey guys! missed me? i sure missed you all and i hope you missed the story too... *Fingers crossed*

Anyway my exams have finished and have other works but was able to update today and will try for tomorrow too... and i may be able to update twice a week 99%...

And how is the chap? Boring or not bad ;)

comment plz and vote...

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