chapter 15: the cabin

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chapter 15: the cabin

Lila's POV

James left to finish his project with his flat mates and everyone else is piling up in our Honda Oddessy for a three hour trip.

I'm still worried about my cousin's from Dad's side. I'm not very close with them, and the more people there are, the less time I get to spend with Tristain.

Dad is driving, Joey's got passenger seat, Mum and Auntie Cara have the middle row and Tristain and I have the back row. 

Tristain told me that Mum knows, but no one else. It's tricky being romantic together when Dad has the lens to see everything in the back. I pretend to be searching through my bags for a snack or game and Tristain would pretend to help me look so we could steal a kiss or two.

We play a game called I-Spy, which is difficult to play while driving. The answer to seventy-five percent of the questions is "a car".

Tristain does some of his managing work on his laptop while I study through my textbooks. Mum and Cara gossip and Dad and Joey talk about various things, like the economy, politics, and nice countries to visit.

We pass by a village with red, German type housing and through small roads. It's brilliant.

We drive up a long hill road to a fair sized cabin.

"WE'RE HERE!" Joey roars.

"The other's should be here momentarily" Dad adds.

"Let's settle in and have some tea. We'll unpack later" Cara suggests. We all sit and have our tea.

Tristain talks about his businnes.

"We've bought another company, me Michael and Tyler. It's a French company, Reauflou. It's doing well, actually. I get paid quite a lot now. My job is with the stock market, handling shares and everything"

"You've got to be careful though" warns Dad, "Usually in a partnership, one person might take over. You've got to watch your back"

"I will, thanks Tom"

"Not a problem"

I never realised how rich Tristain is, or how smart and brilliant he is. It's appealing. He's always been the mean jerk who bothers me all the time. I never really thought that he could have brains. The men of the family went on advising Tristain, and i could tell by the bored look on his face that he didn't enjoy it. He looked at me for help.

"Hey Dad? Can I pick out the rooms?"

"Sure darling" he turns back to Tristain, but I continue.

"Could it be me and Tristain in the bunk-bed one, Liam and Eric in the other, and then Carli and Phillip somewhere else?"

"Carli and Phillip,  being parents, should have the other guest bedroom, and we could set up sleeping bags in the bunk room, so you and Tristain could have the bunks, and then Liam and Eric could have the sleeping bags"

"OR, we could all sleep out in the living room" says Tristain, "So nobody feels the room picking to be unfair"

"We'll figure it out"

"Great, can Tristain and I go unpack our stuff"

Dad and Joey look disappointed, but then reluctantly agree. The minute we're outside, Tristain thanks me.

"I thought they would never stop! I owe you one"

"That you do, mate" I laugh, "I'll hold you to your word"

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