Chapter Eleven: Pain and Terror...

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Sandra could not help but scoff, "What? My father is not that type of man." Just mentioning that Jabari is a type of man that would use his own daughter made Sandra stomach churn. "Your love? Once again, Alfred and I are not and will never be, in any sense on that type of relationship. I do not see Alfred in that way nor would I ever see him in any other way instead of a fellow friend."

"I'm not speaking about Alfred you foolish girl!" Francine spat in anger and spite. "I'm speaking of-" before she could continue, Francine stopped herself by taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Instead, she changed the subject. "How are you feeling? Pain? Numbness? Like death is knocking on your door?" Her pink lips stretched into a evil grin as she pictured Sandra dead on the floor with blood pooling around her body.

"How?- You... Did you-"

"I done nothing. Well, I did put a special sweeting juice in the berries you munched on like a fat cow. Surprisingly, you did not fall critically ill at that second; considering that you are so much."

The fast and hard pumping of Sandra's heart suddenly increased as panic was shown on her face. At that moment, the fragile girl wanted to run; but the thought of Francine going so far to make her ill was mainly on her mind. If she has done that, then she would go further...

"Why?" Sandra whimpered when she felt Francine's clammy and cold hands on her warm neck and shoulders.

Francine chuckled lightly before speaking out, "I love to cause pain and terror for the people who I loathe and never seems to leave my life."

"Y-you are a evil woman, Francine."

"I have been called worse by others. Do not think you can tell my father about my true state; he would never take a runts side over his own daughter. The apprentice before you had to learn that lesson the hard way."

Once again, Sandra whimpered; mainly from fear that no one, not even Doc would take her word. Even if the others believe Sandra, Doc wouldn't and his beliefs is the thing that actually matters in this situation.

"If I was you, I would go back to the whole I crawled out of and never turn back," Francine continued to say while standing to her feet and tucking the comb- she was hoping to use if Sandra decided to fight back with her fist or even words- into her dress pocket. "Have a nice bath and I hope you get well soon."

Orange and red covered the sky as the sun slowly went down to rest and have the moon take its place. The large ship creaked as the gentle waves moved it back in forth while the smelly and tired crew stepped off, in hoping for a soft bed to sleep on and a good woman to sleep with. Alex and Josiah was one of those men, while Anton only wanted a bed and only one woman to speak to for the rest of the night.

"W'er finally home. Luckily we gotten back before the wind changed." said Josiah as he walked beside his fellow friends.

"A short week of traveling, I can get use to that." Anton smiled from ear to ear.

Alex on the other hand did not look pleased with their short journey, instead he was a little upset. "Short travels means short wage. Ten shillings won't even buy me a pot to piss in."

"At least we have money in our pockets, if you going to complain do it some where else." Josiah stated while shaking his head. "What is up your ass?"

"Francine is still resting her head in Doc's home," said Anton as he gripped the sack of clothes in his hand until it turned white.

Josiah's stern features became even more stern when hearing the cold hearted woman's name, "Shît, what is she doing here?"

Girl Name Sandra..Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя