The Plan

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  Everyone who wants success needs a plan, as simple as that! No more procrastination! Have you plan set asap! An here is a great way to start!

   When you look at the girl you want to emulate and yourself on the net do you have nany similarities? 
If not your not doing it right!
    You should use time, effort, and filters used to make your page great and highten your insta image!
( just don't over do it and keep self is to a minimum please)
     Snap chat your best moments and nicest sunsets with the chat and follow in your grade to keep up with drama!
YouTube has some great ideas for beauty and trends so following the most interesting tubers are great topics because everybody and I mean EVERYBODY watches the tube!

2. FASHION your back to school style should scream you! But new and improved if need be. If you don't quite know your style look at style blogs and look books using key words that line up with your look. If your short on cash always make a B-line for clearance (don't judge me gurl I know u broke 2😂) Buy peace that can be used all season,  can be layered and make a statement ( hun don't scare people tho😆) jeans can be worn more than once a week if they are not to unique and noticeable and most importantly clean! Have deodorant for home, gym, and on the go.  And try to shower twice a day with emphasis on cleaning armpits and privates (you can't be cool smelling like 💩)

Light please!  Wet and wild and drug store works fine, but youtube and practice makes perfect!

4. ATTITUDE if you want to make friends you may have to go out of your way and do so! Keep a positive attitude to everyone and have goals for yourself to make a new friend each week or month or so on. Find out what people like and talk about it. People love to talk about themselves and having others LISTEN TO THE WORD THE SAY! Don't get lazy w/ my steps! Also THINK before you SPEAK!

5. Clubs, Sports and after school stuff so you can meet more people and broad your scope

6. EXERCISE ( I said it be an I'll say it again YOUTUBE)

7. PATIENCE sometimes popularity takes time to develop but in the mean time start with the kids with lesser social power as practice to see how it goes. And if you are close to at least one cool kid you should take pic for social media or find out their birthday and get a post on that day!

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