"The girls Basketball team at my school are TERRIBLE. If you're as good as I think you are, you're definitely not going to enjoy it." He replied. I sort of felt happy cause he said I look like I'm good at it.

"We'll see." My dad said before motioning the two of us toward the dining room.

We all sat down and before I knew it, dinner was over.

"Oh my gosh! What's the time??" Matt questioned quickly standing from the table.

"Umm, it's 8:15, why what's up?" My mum questioned looking at her watch.

"I've got to go and do some things for Mrs. Revertan, she's really ill and every Sunday she needs someone to help her with all this medication stuff. I'm pretty sure she's just a few houses away. I usually get to hers around this time."

"Oh okay, well Amberle you can walk with Matt, we wouldn't want anything bad happening to him. And when the two of you get home you can go to sleep. We all want to be up and ready for tomorrow." My mum stated, I mentally rolled my eyes because I know I'd be dead if I did it physically.

I looked at Matt and we both got up and went toward the door. He opened it for me and we left the house. Silence filled the air and I for some reason felt nervous. I was snapped out of my anxious thoughts when Matt started talking.

"Mrs Revertan can be a little inappropriate sometimes, she may say things that are offensive but she doesn't mean it....and" Matt sounded just as nervous as me, he was scratching the back of his neck while telling me.

"Matt it's fine. Why do you do this for her though?" I questioned, tucking some of my hair behind my ear and looking down to my hands.

"My brother did this thing with a group of heaps of other people where you'd be assaigned an elderly person and you'll help them with their needs once a week. Well, when my brother died from a car accident, Mrs Revertan didn't have anyone to do her medications for her, so I do it now." Matt said really casually.

" Oh Matt, I'm so sorry, I didn't kn...." I began saying apologetically awkwardly reaching out but not actually touching him. He cut me off.

" it's fine Amberle, really. Oh I almost forgot, Mrs Revertan doesn't actually call me by my name, she thinks I'm my brother, she and Micah were really close and she is half blind, I didn't have the gut to tell her." Matt told me chuckling a little afterwards.

We walked up a driveway with gorgeous daisy bushes either side the paths. When we got to the door, Matt did a rhythmic knock and walked straight in, I followed after him.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to come Micah" an old woman with silver short hair but gorgeous thick lashes and wearing a pink floral nightgown chuckled.

"You know what Mrs. R? I was actually considering not coming but then I just couldn't resist seeing your gorgeous face." Matt chanted back to her walking into the kitchen where she sat at a table. He isn't as bad as I thought.

"Oh Micah, you don't ever fail to make me smile. Look at this, you've brought a girlfriend with you!" She nearly yelled, motioning her hands for me to go to her. "sit down love, here next to me."

"Mrs. Revertan, she's not my girlfriend, she's the eldest child of the family who I'm living with that I told you about last night." Matt smiled while rubbing his temples.

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