Michael the Psycho

Start from the beginning

One night, I was getting off of the ferry and heading to my bus stop. I stop in my tracks when I realized Michael was waiting for me, inside of the ferry terminal. He was asking if we could just sit outside and talk about everything. F'no I was not doing that, but I didn't want him to follow me home so I sped walked to my bus stop and called 911 before anything escalated. While I was waiting for the cops to show up Michael was pacing back and forth in front of me, clearly pissed I called the cops but not smart enough to leave before they arrived????? He decided it'd be a good idea to push me down on the ground at the exact moment the popo show up.

The cops came. I told them the deal. I wrote a statement. And they made sure I got home safely. I never heard or saw Michael again.

Until a week ago!

I'm a baker now, and I work very early mornings. Usually when I'm commuting that early, I'm surrounded by big construction workers who are also starting their day quite early.

Anyway, I was walking to the train station and suddenly I hear a guy's voice through my music. I look up and see Michael, grinning from ear to ear. It's been 4 years since we've last seen each other and oh man am I different person, both inside and out. I take one earphone out, look him dead in the eyes and say in a very serious, very cold tone "if you ever touch me or talk to me again, I will slit your fucking throat", then I skip away into the train station. And of course he follows because he obviously has a weird death wish.

I head to the platform and notice that there a handful of big and beefy construction workers waiting for the train. Since Michael is following me and I now have an audience, I decide I should make a big scene and maybe that'll scare him away. So I turn around and beeline it towards him and start shouting "ARE YOU FUCKING FOLLOWING ME??!!! IM NOT THE SAME WEAK ASS 18 YEAR OLD GIRL, MICHAEL! I WILL END YOUR FUCKING LIFE" . He stepped away a little taken aback, I continued shouting "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU FOLLOW ME ON THIS TRAIN I WILL STAB YOU IN THE FUCKING THROAT" . I stepped onto the train and he attempts to follow me, but two very big and very beefy construction workers stand beside me and escort me onto the train while shooting daggers at Michael.

I get onto the train with my new besties and we all laugh and joke about how fun it was to start our day with such drama. One of ,my two new buddies gets off at the next stop and Guess who enters our subway car at the next stop? You guessed it, Michael! Now he's keeping his distance and shouting at me from across the train.

He sounds like a lunatic. He's going back and forth between calling me a stupid bitch and telling me he misses me so much. ( we dated for 2 months, 4 years ago buddy) And then he says "you have to get off the train at some point". The entire time he was going off I ignored him, but that comment INFURIATED me. The nerve of this asshole to think he could get away with harassing me and then threaten to follow me off the train? NAH, not today!

(Just a little side note, I carry a little pocket knife with me at all times because I live in a big city, and people suck. )

I calmly took the knife out of my bag and waved it at him from across the train and said "try me." I got up and moved to another car he followed. I moved to another car and he followed again. At this point, the train was stalled at a station so I stepped out and asked an MTA employee to call the cops because I was being harassed and she told me to find a train conductor. I walk back onto the car ready to go find a conductor, but I already see one arguing with the Michael, telling him he has to get off of the train. He refused to so the conductor called the cops.

The cops come and I give them a very brief synopsis of what happened. The entire time the officer is speaking to me, his partner is speaking to Michael and Michael is shouting at the officer to check my bag because "that bitch put a knife to my throat". The officer that is speaking to me just smirks and ask jokingly if I pulled a knife on him and I just smiled my innocent smile and say "officer, if I pulled a knife on him you would know" he chuckles and I'm just hoping he doesn't search my bag and find my knife and weed (lol).

The officer took my info down and I wrote another statement and hopped on the next train and went to work.

I'm 100000000000% certain that I'll be running into Michael's psycho ass soon. Hopefully he stays away because I'm not going to be able to control my anger next time and I will chop his dick off and feed it to the rats on the train track.

TLDR; I dated a psycho, 4 years later he's still a psycho.

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