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(((Your pov)))

A couple Weeks had passed and let me tell ya, I was avoiding Yoongi at every cost.

Being near him gave me nothing but sadness.

I still couldn't believe that I came to realization with my feelings and I also couldn't believe I got rejected all at the same time.

Right now I was currently at the bighit entertainment building with the guys but of course, here I was looking for a place to hide after seeing Yoongi in the hallway.

I ran into a studio and poked my head out of the door.

"What are you doing?" I hear an oh so familiar voice ask and I jump and slowly turn around to see Yoongi sitting in a spiny chair with his song journal in his hand.

Just looking at him made me feel so many emotions.

Anger, love, hate, love, sad, love.

You get the point.

"Sorry to interrupt." I say and go to walk away but he speaks.

"It doesn't matter I was just about to leave. Come on, we're going to the same place anyway." he says and I mentally groan and follow him to the elevator.

When we get in the elevator I clench my fist around the railing.

I was terrified of elevators and everyone knew it too, everyone except Yoongi.

"Look (y/n), I've been thinking a lot about what happened a couple weeks ago and- wait, why are you making that face?" He asks, looking over at me with furrowed brows.

I felt like I was gonna have a panic attack in here.

Main reason why I wasn't so fond of coming here with the guys.

"(Y/n)?" He questions and I look up at the numbers to see we were no where near close to our floor.

"I have to get out of here." I say to myself but I'm guessing he heard it because he stepped closer to me.

"What's wrong?" He asks, obviously very confused.

"I feel like I'm gonna pass out." I say.

"Do you not feel well, what's going on?" He asks and I hear a worried tone in his voice.

I couldn't help it as I flung myself at him and buried my face in his chest.

"(Y/n).." he says, taken back but I shake my head and I feel his arms wrap around me and I relax.

I totally forgot we were in an elevator at this point.

That was until the ding and the doors opening in which I flung myself out the door, landing on the ground.

"Are you afraid of elevators or something?' He asks and I scoff and walk off in the direction of the others.

It's like he knew everything about me yet nothing at the same time.

After about an hour of the guys rehearsing we were going to leave and I was filled with fear as we reached the elevators.

I'm gonna die today.

(((((Yoongi's pov)))))

When we got into the elevator again (y/n) seemed to turn pale.

"Come here." Namjoon says with open arms and (y/n) wastes no time moving into them.

I felt angry.

Why now?

"Sh, it's okay." he says, rubbing his hand up and down her back but she didn't seem to calm down at all, not like she had earlier.

When the elevator doors finally opened, she ran out, leaving dust like a cartoon character.

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