Chapter 7

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(Mark's P.O.V.)

As soon as school ended I ran out of there, I didn't even bother saying hi to Felix. I just ran. Now I'm home, I just called in sick at work. What Jack said earlier... It really hurt me and it's making it hard to think straight. Tom isn't home, won't be till eight or so. Long night for him, lots of classes and work. My phone buzzes, good something to take my mind off of everything. I pick up my phone, staring at it. It's Kik. It's Booper.

BooperDooper: Hey... I heard about what happened with Jack earlier...

Markiplier: Yeah?

BooperDooper: Yeah. You okay?

Markiplier: Not really, no...

BooperDooper: Wanna talk about it?

Markiplier: Kind of

BooperDooper: You can tell me.

I sigh, hesitating. I want to tell Booper everything, I want to vent but I don't at the same time. I don't want to relive it. But if I don't tell him or someone I'm gonna just keep reliving it and I'll keep thinking about it and it'll tear me apart.

Markiplier: Were you there? Do you know what he said?

BooperDooper: Mostly, yeah.

Markiplier: Okay, that saves some time...

Markiplier: Booper, I don't want to but I believed it, I believe a lot of what people say about me.

Markiplier: He said I was selfish, and here I am taking off work while my brother works like no tomorrow.

Markiplier: He said I was stupid, and here I am failing every test I get.

Markiplier: He said so many things... So many things that can be so true...

Booper's response is pretty quick, though not as quick as normal.

BooperDooper: First... Don't believe what he says. He probably has a reason for saying all of those things, but none of it is the truth.

BooperDooper: You aren't selfish, you have helped so many people... Well, tried to help so many people.

BooperDooper: You aren't stupid, I've seen you in class. Whenever the teacher calls on you, you have the right answer just like that.

Markiplier: But it doesn't change the fact that what he said really hurt me, true or not true.

BooperDooper: Yeah... And I'm sorry about that. Words hurt, as much if not more then a punch or a slap would.

BooperDooper: You just gotta remember that you are the best you you can be and there are people that love you because of it.

I just lay there, staring at those messages. At the conversation. Booper really cares about me, doesn't he? He's on his phone right now just trying to make me feel better because he wants to. No one's really done that for me before.

BooperDooper: Okay?

Markiplier: Yeah. Okay.

BooperDooper: Okay. Jack's just an idiot okay? Don't listen to him.

Markiplier: I'll keep that in mind.

BooperDooper: You do that.

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