4; the girl and back into the maze

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A girl shows up with a note and a group go into the maze


Inside a hut made from sticks and straw, stood all the Gladers. Everyone of them were talking in loud voices. Ever since they had gotten back to the Glade it seemed Gally had taken position as the leader with him and Scott butting heads while Newt and Kira calmed them.

As Gally stood, he waited for the commotion to settle before speaking. "Things are changing. There's no denying that. First Ben gets stung in broad daylight, and then Alby. And now our Greenie here, has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here."

"He saved our lives -" Derek piped up, his voice booming through the silence. "Mine, Minho's, Your leader's-," he was interrupted but sent a nod to Thomas who just looked down at his hands. "Did he?" It was Gally who had interrupted.

Gally wouldn't stop, dead set on saying his little speech which made Isaac and Derek both roll their eyes. "For three years, we have coexisted with these things. And now," he turned to Thomas with his finger aimed at the wide eyed kid, "you've killed one of them."

All eyes turned to Thomas. "Who knows what that could mean for us," Gally continued. Lydia stood in front of Parrish with her arms crossed over her chest. She sent a glare to Gally. "It means you could escape, find a way through the maze that leads you out of here. It means-" Newt held a hand up to silence Lydia with a small glare to tell her he had it handled.

"What do you suppose we do?" He questioned Gally, looking from Lydia to him. Gally lifted his hands in a shrug, looking at Derek, "him and Thomas have to be punished."

All the Gladers including Scott, Lydia and Chuck all disagreed at once, "no!" "That's unfair!" "He saved their lives!" And more words about how it was unfair were spoken until Newt spoke.

"Minho," the crowd quieted and all eyes turned to the Asian boy, "you were there with them. What do you think?"

The kid was quiet for a while. What was he supposed to say? He decided on the truth. With a sigh, he began. "I think, in all the time we've been here, no one's ever killed a griever before. When I turned tail and ran, these dumb shanks," he looked to Derek and Thomas who sat side by side. "Stood behind to help Alby."

"Look, I don't know if he's brave, or stupid," Minho was now talking about Thomas, his mind going back to Thomas' run from the griever. How he jumped to the wall with the vines and then led the griever into the closing walls to kill it. "But whatever it is we need more of it. I say we make him a runner."

Scott felt utterly proud of his friend in that moment and he wanted nothing more than to run over and hug him. But when he remembered how Thomas used to run, all he could think of was the panting, sweaty kid who would drop to the floor after running barely half a mile. Which caused the question to flare up in his mind again; what had he been up to in the time he had been gone?

Thomas lifted his head, looking up at Minho in shock. The Gladers all started muttering in disagreement. Newt was fighting a smile that finally snuck up on him. Chuck started chanting Thomas' name but when no one joined he rolled his eyes and silenced. Isaac and Malia were ones who disagreed. If these Grievers were dangerous, why would they risk Thomas' life? Because maybe it was just pure luck that he killed the one.

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