"Kidding kidding, geez Jaegar what's up with you? Jealous much?" I smirked.

"N-no of course not." Eren stuttered and began poking at his food. I laughed a bit and stood up.

"I'm going back to the dorm. See you all tomorrow." I waved.

"You go to the dorms really early every time, can't you stay and chat for a bit?" Eren asks.

"I'm good. Plus I need to organize my crap and all...so later." I walked away.

I made it to my room and sighed. A lot has happened today. I met Levi formally for the first time in 3 years. I learned that two of my best friends are dead. I made it clear to myself that after I graduate I was going to join the Scouts with and hopefully be on Levi's team. I opened my suitcase and began refolding everything. As I was crouched over the suitcase my silver and pearl necklace that Levi gave me for my birthday fell out from under the shirt. I grasped it and tears began to fall. Isabel, Furlan. I'm sorry. I thought as I frantically tried to stop the tears from falling. I shouldn't let emotions get the best of me, especially since I'm a soldier now. It's life or death for me now. I cannot let their deaths be the death of me. I wiped tears off my cheeks and flopped down on my bed. I put a hand over my eyes and tried not to let the burning sensation get the best of me. My nose and eyes were stinging from the unreleased tears. I stood back up and went to the washroom to clean myself up. What I saw in my reflection on the mirror was enough to make a kid cry. I looked like a female demon from hell. I grabbed a brush and began untangling my brown locks that were now drifting lower to my back. Man having thick hair sucks. I grumbled, tying my hair in a giant braid that hung loosely on my left shoulder with a few strands left to shape my face. I brushed my teeth and changed into a t shirt and baggy shorts. I sat on my bed silently and reached out into my cadet jacket, grabbing the group photo of Isabel, Farlan, Levi and me, smiling fondly at the camera. Yes. Levi smiled genuinely. I stared at the picture. If I knew this was going to happen I would've spent every minute with them more wisely and carefully, so each minute wouldn't go to waste. That's enough for 1 day I decided. I rolled to my side and set the picture gently down on my bedside table, facing down. I began to drift off again to a light slumber.

Mikasa's POV
I walked into the shared dorm and noticed there was only one other person there. Chance, who was already fast asleep. I noticed on her small desk was what looked to be a photo flipped over. I knew from personal judgement that snooping was downright low and an awful thing to do, but curiosity got the best of me. After all what harm could it do right? Wrong. I walked over to the bedside table and carefully took the photo. I flipped it over and was immediately hit by tons of new questions and doubt. In the photo, it showed Chance hugging a smiling Corporal Levi from the back with only her arms and smiling face in view and also a maroon haired girl tackling a blonde haired guy from the side. All of them looked so blessed at the moment the photo was captured. From the background it looked like they were in an underground village. This photo looked like it was taken years ago. Chance's hair was only long enough to shape her face, Corporal Levi was dressed in a baggy shirt and black pants, the Blonde guy and Maroon haired girl were laughing happily. Overall they all looked about 5 years younger. I'd say they all looked more adolescent, except Corporal Levi of course. Suddenly Chance rolled over. This startled me and I dropped the photo on the desk and hurried into the bathroom.

Chance's POV
  A slight noise interrupted my light slumber and I sleepily opened my eyes. I noticed immediately that my photo was facing up now which means someone took a look at it. I sighed sleepily. That would complicate things. Oh well, I couldn't think with a hazy mind. If someone did bring it up though, I'll make sure they'll regret ever snooping this low. I picked up the photo and placed it into my uniform's pocket again and went back to sleep.

My Chance [Levi Ackerman X OC] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें