The Phantom of the Opera

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Sara, I know this isn't how it happened. I don't care, I'm making it better. Oh, and, Japser? Hi! Sara told me to write this, I know it sucks and is super awkward. I will update eventually, but I must do more "research" first.

I couldn't stop staring at him. His hair smelled like mint. If I could lean closer, I could smell it better, lose myself in the scent. He kept singing, crisp, bright notes echoing out of his mouth and finding their way into my heart. Jasper...

I was so lost in his brown hair, his beautiful eyes, his soft face, that I didn't even realize I was supposed to be singing. My chorus teacher was eyeing me suspiciously. I bit my lip and joined in.

I'm here, with you, beside you
To guard you and to guide you
All I ask is every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summertime
Take me with you
For now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you

As soon as I finished singing, I turned to look at Jasper. He smiled at me. "You have a pretty voice."

I felt a hot blush spread across my cheeks. "Uh, thanks, Jasper."

He laughed. It was probably the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard. "Please, call me Sour Cream. Don't ask me why my nickname is Sour Cream, since I have no idea. My friends just randomly started calling me that. It fits me well, don't you think?" He pretended to flip his hair, but it wasn't long enough. It was my knee-jerk reaction to giggle, but it came out like a sneeze. I half-expected the class to shout out "Bless you!" in unison. Thank goodness they didn't.

I subconsciously began to twirl my gold necklace around my finger. Sour Cream grinned. "I like your necklace. Josh Dun, man."

I looked down at the trinket. My mom thought it was a "voodoo charm". It took me a while to explain that it was a twenty one pilots thing.

"Thanks. Uh, my best friend has the other one." He kept smiling. His straight teeth were so blindingly white that I had to look down at my black Converse, which were nervously tapping against the wooden floor. Or maybe I was just embarrassed.

I gathered my courage and looked up again. His gorgeous smile was murdering my brain, melting it until it was a puddle of goo. I had nothing but my heart to go by.

Sour Cream looked towards the front of the classroom. I followed his gaze to Mr. Bourne, our chorus teacher. We launched into "Think of Me" from the musical The Phantom of the Opera. I began to sing, but was lulled into a trance by Sour Cream's voice yet again.

Ha, Sara. This is killing you, right? So beautiful. Well, the second chapter is worse, so...

Oh my Josh. I am so Dun (with this chapter).

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