What had happened to me?
Where was Chelsea?

My mind was tingling again, but a lot more prominently this time. It was a pleasant but an unpleasant feeling at the same time.

“You two can't be together,” a deep voice said from the corner. I looked over to see Kian in a singlet, and loose pants, his arms folded as he leant against the wall. I looked back at my hands, feeling myself retreating to a safer place in my mind. “I have a lot of things, that need to be explained to you. I just need you to keep an open mind.”

I stayed quiet, keeping my gaze on the blanket.

“First off, I'm not like anything you've ever known,” I felt the end of the bed sink, and I drew my legs up to my chest. “I'm a werewolf.” Yeah, and I'm a fairy. I stayed silent though, continuing to stare at the blankets. “I can shift into a wolf...” Still no response. I felt his hand lift my chin as those intense brown eyes looked into mine. “Do you understand?”

I shrugged, not trusting myself to speak in case I burst into tears.

He let go of my chin and I hung my head again. “I know you don't believe me, I thought seeing Chelsea's mark would have given you an extra push to believe, so when you fainted, I marked you.” I whipped my head up, staring at him wide eyed. “What?” I whispered.

“I bit you. That's only the first one, the next bite will start your transition from human to werewolf-”
I cut him off with a mumbled noise of hysteria as my eyes seemed to widen even more then before, “I'm – you – werewolf...oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god,” my breathing came in frantic puffs and wheezes as Kian's expression turned from calm to worried. “I've been kidnapped by- by a bunch of psychos!” I wheezed.

“Just calm down,” he said. “And we aren't psychos.”

I stared at him incredulously. “You. Think. You're. A. Werewolf! Someone should put you in a straight jacket right now!”

“Well I'd shift for you, but I can't do it in this small of space.”

“You're serious?” I closed my eyes tightly. “My god...”

“I thought I should tell you before we arrive home to the pack.”

“The pack?”

“Yes the pack, but I can't tell you the location, because I'm going to let you call home soon and, I can't have you knowing anything.” He pointed to his arm, “we don't want a repeat of earlier on.”

“I'd do it again in a heart beat,” I muttered. My body seemed to repel those words, the thought of harming him made me want to harm myself. What the hell...

I looked up to see him let out a dark chuckle. “Its the bond. I can't hurt you, you can't hurt me. It will be stronger once I claim you.”

“Claim me?” I asked, gulping.

“Yes, when we mate.”

I blinked, “mate?” I'd read that word to many times, in to many vampire/werewolf horror stories, I wasn't stupid, I knew what the word meant. “My god,” the sobs came out now, “oh my god you're going to rape me and kill me aren't you?”

“What? No!” His hand landed on my knee and I froze. “I'm not going to rape you or kill you. That comes under hurting you right? And I would never do that,” his voice sounded angry. He could just be acting, trying to gain my trust.

“My wrists hurt,” I muttered. “I bet that doesn't come under the 'never hurting you' rule does it? No, just keeping me tied up like you're little pet.”

“I wouldn't have had to if you and you're friend had just sat still and listened. We were going to let you have your phone call.”

“Oh I'm sorry, I suppose when your the victim your just going to sit back and listen to what the kidnappers have to say right?” I was shocked at the sarcastic tone in my voice. I shook my head, “where is Chelsea?”

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