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Every year I had gone to Oakwood Summer Camp with my older sister Matilda.

Then she out grew it and decided to move away forever with her boyfriend.

What an awesome sister.

If you couldn't tell, I was being completely sarcastic.

So, this year I asked my best friend Willow if she would want to go. Of course, since we're best friends we do everything together because, well, we love hanging out together. Plus, Willow has never been to Oakwood, and I'm pretty sure she'd like it.

Oakwood is a pretty popular summer camp here in Illinois, and at least thousands of kids go every year. Every year that I went, my camp friends Ella, Scott, Max and Ben would be there. So every year we would go on the same days. During the rest of the year we'd talk on Instagram and FaceTime when we had the chance, always keeping in touch and keeping our friendships together all the time.

This year Willow will be added into our group. Our group of five individuals who would stick together like glue during the whole two weeks of camp.

I know my friends will welcome Willow into our group, and then we'll continue our usual every year of swimming, boating, playing games and eating delicious meals three times a day.

Everything would be yippee skippee all day everyday long...

I was completely wrong.


((Hey it's Tempest!

Gosh, I have nothing to say except please read, vote and comment if you are a nice person, and thank you for pressing this book to read. I will update... Whenever I get free time soooooo yeah thanks for reading.<3


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