The Origin: part 1 (The baby)

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It was a nice day in Canterlot, Celestia was sitting in here throne think that it's only Been 100 years since she banish her sister to the moon, how sad she felt every time she thought about the event, but then Starswirl the Bearded came busting through the door running to Celestia.
"What's wrong, Starswirl" Celestia asked
"I need to tell you something, but you have to believe me" Starswirl said
"Okay"Celestia said
"I found a unicorn stallion who had his left hoove covered in ice, he was bleeding, crying, and in shock, then I healed him and asked him what happened" Starswirl said
"What did he say?"Celestia said
" he said that his small town was destroyed by nature or something like that an I asked him to explain, he said every pony in his town is died, there was a snow storm, ice, hard blowing winds, a flood, fire coming out of no where, and spikes of rocks coming from the ground, it was like magic the unicorn told me" Starswirl
"Did the unicorn tell you what cause it, it can't just snow and fire coming out of no where, some pony must be doing this" Celestia said
" He did say, but do you want to hear it" Starswirl said    " yes" Celestia said
" a baby colt unicorn" Starswirl said
"A...a..a baby unicorn, it can't be" Celestia said in shock,  "but it is" Starswirl said
Celestia got up from her throne and walked towards Starswirl.
"Take me to this town"Celestia said
"as you wish, but I can only teleport near the town, so we have to walk for the rest of the way"Starswirl said
"Okay" Celestia said
"Then let's go" Starswirl said as they teleported
Princess Celestia and Starswirl the bearded are now near the by the town
"noting looks wrong outside of the town, just a nice sunny day and where is this town" Celestia said
" the unicorn told me to follow the path to a hill and on the other side of the hill should be the town" Starswirl said
"Okay then let start walking" Celestia said as Starswirl followed
10 minutes later
"Look there's the hill"Starswirl said.  "then the town is on the other side"Celestia said
As they ran up the hill they stop to see what has happened to the town
"there's only a big dark cloud above the whole town and covered with snow and spikes of rocks coming from the ground"Starswirl said looking at the town
"Let just go and see if we can find the baby unicorn and survivors" Celestia said
As they got near the town they could feel the strong cold wind blowing pushing them back and the snow falling down fast, but they kept going on even if the wind and snow makes it hard to hear and see any thing
"Celestia can you see any ahead for us to stay and warm up" Starswirl yelled
"I see a big light and a house" Celestia yelled back
They both ran towards the big light, they closed their eye as the go in, they open their eyes and looked up their was a opening in the storm clouds they could see the sun and the blue sky and warm. In the middle of this opening was house
the house's roof was caved in the house.
"Wait, do you hear the baby"Celestia said
"Yeah, the baby is in this house then"Starswirl said
"Let get in the house then" Celestia said hurrying in the house
When the walk in the house and saw two big pieces of the roof on the left and right side of the house and in the middle of house was a basket was the baby unicorn colt warped in a a baby blue blanket. He had light blue eyes and mane, and a blue coat, but Celestia notice pair of hooves under the two pieces of the fallen roof on the left and right side touching the bottom of the basket. Celestia levitated the two pieces of the roof and saw a two ponies, a mare and a stallion, it was the mother and father of the baby. " Starswirl, let take the baby back to Canterl-" Celestia said, but stop to notice Starswirl was casting a spell on the baby unicorn causing the baby to levitating and a bright blue light appear from the baby, Celestia looked away and the baby stop glowing an slowly and gently landed on Starswirl hooves.
"What did you Starswirl" Celestia said using the Royal Canterlot voice, then she notice the baby unicorn has wings.
He was a alicorn now. "Why did you turn the baby in to a alicorn" Celestia still using the Royal Canterlot voice
"Making him a alicorn will balance his magic power, but not for ever, that's why you need ito teach him, how to control his magic for the better good of Equestria" Starswirl said holding the new baby alicorn
"Alright, but what do I tell him when he growing up, he would want to know what happened to his parents" Celestia said
"Look their is a bag next to the basket"Starswirl said "what's in it" Celestia said
"there's a photo book and a closed letter write on it that saids : For our son Snowflake flare" Starswirl said out loud
"So that's his name, Snowflake flare"Celestia said as Starswirl gives her the baby
"You mean Prince Snowflake flare, Celestia" Starswirl said joyfully
Look the storm is gone, now we can get back to Canterlot before any pony notice that I'm not there" Celestia said
"Just let me get the prince's bag, okay" Starswirl said "Okay" Celestia said holding the sleeping prince
Starswirl cast the teleportation spell back to Canterlot castle.
*In Canterlot Castle*
"Now that we are back, and we got the baby, my mission is done and thank you Princess for helping and I now you will take good care of the Prince Snowflake ,and now I take my leave" Starswirl said as he started to cast a teleportation spell.
"Wait, Starswirl I need to ask you something, do you think I should keep, the baby a secret and keep it way from every pony" Celestia said wondering what he would say
"Yes, the baby's magic is strong and he may or may not hurt any pony, it's for his own good, and he need to control his magic and you need to teach him how to control it, Princess Celestia but he can talk to the Royal guards, but they have to keep it a secret, okay
"Alright, but I hope you are right" Celestia said
"Me too"Starswirl said as he teleported away

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