20. The Final Decision

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Elena looked across at Damon, hoping that his eyes would give her any indication as to what was on his mind. But they didn't. His eyes were more cloudy and confused than Elena had ever seen, and they continued to look dead ahead at the dispute unfolding in-front of him.

Elena shut the front door behind her and they walked, hand in hand, into the middle of the battlefield, formerly known as the living room. Klaus took a step back from Stefan and sat down on one of the sofas behind him, with Elijah and Rebekah taking a seat on either side. Kol stood behind the sofa, on Rebekah's side, clearly indicating which side he was taking on the argument.

In response to Klaus' step back, Stefan chose to step back and sit on the sofa opposite him. Caroline sat at Stefan's side, taking his hands and placing them in her lap. She had hoped that this would be a sign that she was taking his side on the issue, but to Klaus, it just seemed like a gesture that was done to wind him up.

Damon and Elena stood in-front of the two sofa's, and after a brief moment of silence, it was Damon who was the first to speak,

"As much as I really appreciate your opinion Klaus, it is no concern of yours as to what I choose to do with the cure," Damon's voice was sarcastic, as usual.

"You keep telling yourself that Damon. I'm being brutally honest about the situation, and deep down, that's what you need," Klaus lifted his arms up and shrugged his shoulders, grinning.

"I've already had the honest 'tough talk' conversation with Damon, before Alaric's wedding all those years ago, Klaus. So stop trying to put other ideas into his head. It's none of your business for Christ sake!" Stefan's voice started out calm, but increased in intensity as he noticed that Klaus wasn't paying any attention to what he was saying, and was looking at Caroline instead.

"But that's exactly what he needs, Stefan. Damon needs to know what other options he has. Like letting me have the cure for example," Rebekah added sneakily. She wasn't about to let her never ending quest for humanity go down without a fight.

"I'd shut your mouth, if I were you," Caroline snapped back at Rebekah, standing quickly to her feet. Rebekah stood up to face Caroline, her mouth curling up as she tried to contain her laughter.

"Oh please, Caroline. Calm down. The only other person that wants to be human as much as I do, is sat right next to you," Rebekah smirked as she saw the confusion on Caroline's face. Caroline looked over her shoulder at Stefan, who was looking nervously into his lap, and slowly sat back down next to him.

"That's not true is it Stefan?" Caroline's voice croaked as she tried to force an answer from him. Stefan looked up from his lap, into Caroline's eyes, and reached up one of his hands to her face, holding her cheek softly in-between his thumb and index finger. He gently ran his thumb over her jaw and smiled,

"You don't have to worry about that. For the longest time, I wanted a human life. But with you, I have the life I've always wanted," he whispered, before leaning in for a kiss. Elena and Damon both smiled as Caroline and Stefan embraced each-other. Unfortunately, not everyone shared their happiness, with Klaus in particular seeming incredibly uncomfortable.

"Uurgh," Rebekah turned her nose up as Stefan and Caroline kissed, and turned her back on them as she sat back down next to Klaus.

"What benefit would it have to you if I didn't take the cure?" Damon questioned Klaus. Klaus managed to peel his eyes away from Caroline for a few seconds to respond,

"Absolutely none at all. I just like to make things interesting. Besides, as much as I hate to admit it, my sister here has always wanted to be a human much more than you ever have. It would seem a waste for you to have it halfheartedly when she wants it," Klaus sighed as he looked across at Rebekah, who was stunned by this recent revelation.

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