22. Finding Another Way

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As Rebekah's demands rippled through Elijah's head, the rest of the vampire's in the living room were listening close to every word she was saying, trying to wrap their heads around what she was asking of them. Elijah moved the phone from his ear after Rebekah had abruptly ended the call, his face just as puzzled as the rest of them. Caroline was the first to speak, her voice wobbling on the verge between anger and sadness,

"What does she want with my girls?" she whispered, her eyes filled with tears and her hands clenched into fists at her sides.

"Technically, Rebekah only wants one of your girls," Kol chirped in, smiling cheekily. Everyone turned to face him, wondering how someone could be so insensitive at a time like this.

"It doesn't matter if Rebekah wants one or both of the twins, we aren't letting her have either of them," Stefan replied assertively as he walked over to Caroline and wiggled his fingers into her clenched fist to try and calm her down.

"I'm sorry Stefan but we don't have much of a choice. Rebekah has threatened Elena's life if I don't deliver one of the twins to her," Elijah mumbled as he bowed his head, his voice solemn.

Even though Damon has his head in a Bourbon bottle, he immediately jumped to his feet after hearing Elena's name mentioned,

"I'm sorry Caroline, but if it comes to it, I'll give Rebekah one of the twins myself if it means I get Elena back," Damon voice was stern but was tinged with sadness, as if he hated himself for having to talk about Caroline's twins in such a carefree way. Caroline's face erupted in rage as she lunged for him,

"We will find another way, we'll come up with another plan! I will not let you or anyone else touch my girls. You got that?!" she screamed in Damon's face, so forcefully that he couldn't bring himself to look into her eyes.

This time it was Klaus that intervened.

Klaus stepped in-between Caroline and Damon, his hand forcefully and reassuringly placed in the middle of her chest. Caroline looked down at Klaus' hand and was overwhelmed with all sorts of strange feelings. Feelings she knew she shouldn't be having right now. As the tears began to fall down her face and onto Klaus' hand, he looked up at her and deep into her eyes,

"I'm with you, Caroline. I'll do whatever you need me to do," he subtly smiled at her, the corner of his mouth curling, causing a tiny little dimple to develop in his cheek. Caroline adored those dimples, and despite her better judgement, she found herself smiling back at him.

"Thank you," she whispered back, the words barely escaping her mouth.

"What about Hope?" Hayley exclaimed from the other side of the room.

"What about her?" Klaus replied cautiously, not sure he was liking the direction that this conversation was heading in.

"Elijah could take Hope to see Rebekah instead. We know that she's the most powerful of us all here and I'm pretty sure Rebekah wouldn't dare to harm her. She loves her just as much as the rest of us do," Hayley was very confident in what she was saying, her eyes glittering as she spoke so highly of her daughter. Klaus, on the other hand, was enraged.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? I don't believe for a second that Rebekah wouldn't hurt my daughter just to fulfill whatever revenge fantasy she has in mind! No one is touching Hope, I forbid it," Klaus demanded, his eyes wide and filled with anger. All of his rage was directed at Hayley, but somehow, she seemed used to it and simply wafted it away with a flick of her hair as she turned to face Hope.

"Hope, honey, I have total faith in you that you'll be able to bring Elena back to us. Are you feeling up to it?" Hayley asked softly.

Hope was clearly not in great shape, as she struggled to her feet to face Hayley. Despite everyone wishing that Hope was strong enough to do this, it was clear that she wasn't.

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